
Submission Guidelines

1. Written submissions encompass a variety of formats including:

- Prose 

- Poetry 

- Articles: Topics may range from recent scientific developments, geology, astronomy, political trends, historical findings, to economics.

- Essays: Contributions on any topic are welcome.

- Commentaries: Reflections on events, situations, texts, etc., are encouraged.

- Travelogues: Avoid specific mentions of hotels, travel agencies, or related businesses.

- Reviews: Offer critiques on books, films, documentaries, shows, and other art forms.

2. Submit entries in both PDF and editable Word formats.

3. Maintain a word limit of 5000 words for written submissions.

4. Accepted languages include English, Bengali, and Hindi.

5. Visual submissions such as photographs, paintings, or digital art should be in JPEG format with the highest resolution possible.

6. Enter your name, semester, institutional affiliation, and subject in the form.

7. The blog welcomes submissions from guest creators who are not students of the Department of Law, University of Calcutta.

8. Avoid sexually explicit, overtly political, and plagiarized content, as these will be rejected.

9. Submissions related to legal topics or content of a legal nature will not be accepted by the Committee.


© 2024 The Musings - MagCom, Department of Law, University of Calcutta