Food Pantry and Resource Ministry 

Food Pantry Hours of Operation

"For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink. I was a stranger and you took Me in." Matthew 25:35


Thursday 11am to 1:30


Saturday 11am to 1:30pm. 

So we may continue to serve Camp Fire Survivors check out PayPal donation button on the home page of this website.


We are now using the firehouse next to the Fellowship hall for food distribution.  You may come get food once a week.

Clothes Closet

Our clothing closet located in the Magalia Community Church Fellowship Hall. *Temporarily closed-being moved to the firehouse above the food pantry.

Food Commodities

Food commodities arrive the third Tuesday of each month and are distributed to the public on Thursday.

Incoming Donations

The only donations we will be accepting are non-perishable food.

***On the day you visit the Food Pantry you will be asked to fill out the following form. Please wait to fill the form out on the day of your visit .