Where do I find hours sheets?

All important documents are linked in the "Chapter Documents" tab above. Be sure you download and print the hours sheet that pertains to you. If you are a returning member, then please use the Returning Member Form. If you are a new member, please use the New Member Form. The forms have slightly different requirements and an incorrect form could result in probation for insufficient hours for returning members.

What happens if I don't have my hours sheet on me when I complete service/tutoring hours?

Find your hours sheet (or print a new one) ASAP and have it signed by the person who oversaw your service within 24 hours of completing your service hours. If you do not have your hours signed within 24 hours, then the person who oversaw your service will not sign off on your hours and you will have to complete them again.

Do I actually have to attend meetings and movie nights?

Yes. Meetings provide you with important information and an opportunity to ask questions. Movie nights allow you to see a new take on historical events and discuss with your peers. You must stay for the entirety of both in order to receive credit for attending.

Too many tardies, absences, or early exits will have consequences.

How do I get tutoring hours?

Ms. Petty will post a Google form in mid-September asking about your strengths and subject preferences. Tutoring assignments through Ms. Petty are based entirely on requests from other teachers. If you do not receive an assignment from Ms. Petty in a time frame that you deem appropriate (please be reasonable with this time frame, especially at the beginning of each semester), then we suggest that you arrange your own tutoring assignment and request that you be removed from the Google spreadsheet.

All tutoring must occur within the tutoree's teacher's classroom in order for teachers to sign off on tutoring. Tutoring hours must be signed off on no later than 24 hours after the tutoring session occurred. We have requested that teachers not sign forms after that point.

Email Ms. Petty with further questions.

What are history related service hours?

- Helping a Social Studies teacher

- Tutor Social Studies students (more than 1 hour, their teacher signs your form)

- Go to a historical site & write a paragraph (counts as one hour)

- Create a poster for a holiday (see Blackboard or Other Service Opportunities page)

- Volunteer at the Freeman Store

- Participate in the Holocaust Transcription Program

- Check Blackboard for other history related service opportunities

- See a third movie with us (bring your hours form to the movie)