Student Events

CTE Awards: The Madison County CTE System hosts an annual Tech Awards banquet to recognize our outstanding students, teachers, and community members.

CTE Awards 2024

CTE Awards 2023

CTE Awards 2022

CTE Awards 2020/2021

Industry Tours: The Madison County CTE System Partners with local businesses to host student tours of their facilities and help expose students to local career opportunities.

West Star Aviation

America's Central Port

Construction Expo: SIBA and SICAP partner to host an annual Metro Construction Career Expo for students and parents better to understand the variety of construction trades careers available.

Construction Expo 2023

Construction Expo 2022

Construction Expo 2019

SWIC Manufacturing Day: SWIC hosts an annual Manufacturing Day on their Granite City Campus. Over 1500 high school students from over 400 high schools tour SWIC's manufacturing programs, tour a local manufacturer and visit with companies at SWIC.

SWIC Manufacturing Day 2022

SWIC Manufacturing Day 2019

Union Training Center Tours: The Madison County CTE and Southwestern CTE Systems partner with local Unions to host student tours of their training centers.

Union Training Center Tours 2023

Union Training Center Tours 2020

Platinum Chef: The Madison County CTE System partners with SWIC to host the Platinum Chef challenge for our local High School Students.

Platinum Chef 2022

Platinum Chef 2019