
About the Internship

The focus of this internship site is to research and discover possible therapies and treatments for the rare bone disease, osteopetrosis. The collection of cells responsible for degrading bone, osteoclasts, are observed by administrating various drugs in mouse models. Promising success found in these experiments lead to the possibility of a clinical trial in humans. 

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Due to my previous work experience and being a full-time college student, I have developed many teamwork and leadership skills. I am a problem-solver, effective communicator, and an attentive listener. With my time at this internship site I hope to improve my laboratory skills as well as my professionalism. I aspire to achieve these goals by asking questions and seeking advice from my mentors. By being fully engaged  and curious, my skills as a teammate and professional shall improve. In a new environment I am able to apply and adapt my abilities in ways I have never done before. This internship site is an amazing opportunity for me to learn and grow!

As, I continue my LHSI experience I am continuing to be a communicator as well as a problem solver in the workplace. Since I have begun my experiment on Disulfiram, I have been doing a lot of independent work. This has forced me to communicate effectily to my mentors about any questions and/or issues I face. In times where I am unable to, I am encouraged to problem solve in a moment of difficulty with the knowledge I have learned so far.

Contributing to the Team!

A team is most successful when everyone makes an effort to reach a common goal. At my LSHI site, many individuals contribute greatly to the same goal, finding new possibilities for osteopetrosis. Although there are countless of ways to contribute, I personally believe just being engaged and involved at my site is what I contribute the most. I am often told by my supervisor, Dr. Alam, that students offer a new perspective. Students just getting started in research can provide ideas and questions that were never thought of. Many researchers spend their whole jobs thinking and often struggle to think simpler since they have so much knowledge on what they're focused on. At my site, I feel like I contribute in having fresh new ideas!

Gaining New Perspectives!

I guess the saying "we all start somehere" has never been more true since being in college. I have heard so many stories and experiences from other people, and it has taught me so much. For example Dr. Alam, my supervisor, was a dentist in India and worked in Tokyo for quite sometime before ending up her at Indiana University! What I have learned from working with individuals with different backgrounds is the many different aspects of research. I have learned most of my knowledge about osteopetrosis from Dr. Alam and most of my knowlegde about mice from Dena. When it comes to lab protocols however, its all from Rita. Many members of my team have their own strengths in certain subjects that have helped me grasp a understanding in the many parts that make research so amazing!

Project Summary