
From running math camps for elementary and high school students to mentoring new math majors, I love working on outreach projects! Check out the links below to learn more about my outreach activities.

Director for Spring 2024 (developing the Summer 2024 program)

Instructor and Program Coordinator for the Summer 2023 camps

Served as a mentor during academic year 2023-2024.

New Merit TA Mentoring

Mentored three new merit TAs throughout their first semester teaching in the merit program. Observed classes, co-taught, provided feedback, helped problem solve, and served as a resource in their teaching journey.

Mentored five high school students on a summer research project run through the Illinois Mathematics Lab (IML) in partnership with a local high school (Uni High).

Served as IML Research Manager for 2 years. 

Developed and ran activities for the Fall 2019 Sonia Math Day.