--metadata (map)A map of metadata to store with the objects in S3. This will be applied to every object which is part of this request. In a sync, this means that files which haven't changed won't receive the new metadata. When copying between two s3 locations, the metadata-directive argument will default to 'REPLACE' unless otherwise specified.key -> (string)

--exact-timestamps (boolean)When syncing from S3 to local, same-sized items will be ignored only when the timestamps match exactly. The default behavior is to ignore same-sized items unless the local version is newer than the S3 version.

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The following sync command syncs objects from a local diretory to the specified prefix and bucket byuploading the local files to s3. A local file will require uploading if the size of the local file is different thanthe size of the s3 object, the last modified time of the local file is newer than the last modified time of the s3object, or the local file does not exist under the specified bucket and prefix. In this example, the user syncs thebucket mybucket to the local current directory. The local current directory contains the files test.txt andtest2.txt. The bucket mybucket contains no objects:

The following sync command syncs objects under a specified prefix and bucket to objects under another specifiedprefix and bucket by copying s3 objects. A s3 object will require copying if the sizes of the two s3 objects differ,the last modified time of the source is newer than the last modified time of the destination, or the s3 object does notexist under the specified bucket and prefix destination. In this example, the user syncs the bucket mybucket tothe bucket mybucket2. The bucket mybucket contains the objects test.txt and test2.txt. The bucketmybucket2 contains no objects:

The following sync command syncs files in a local directory to objects under a specified prefix and bucket bydownloading s3 objects. A s3 object will require downloading if the size of the s3 object differs from the size of thelocal file, the last modified time of the s3 object is newer than the last modified time of the local file, or the s3object does not exist in the local directory. Take note that when objects are downloaded from s3, the last modifiedtime of the local file is changed to the last modified time of the s3 object. In this example, the user syncs thecurrent local directory to the bucket mybucket. The bucket mybucket contains the objects test.txt andtest2.txt. The current local directory has no files:

The following sync command syncs objects under a specified prefix and bucket to files in a local directory byuploading the local files to s3. Because the --delete parameter flag is thrown, any files existing under thespecified prefix and bucket but not existing in the local directory will be deleted. In this example, the user syncsthe bucket mybucket to the local current directory. The local current directory contains the files test.txt andtest2.txt. The bucket mybucket contains the object test3.txt:

The following sync command syncs objects under a specified prefix and bucket to files in a local directory byuploading the local files to s3. Because the --exclude parameter flag is thrown, all files matching the patternexisting both in s3 and locally will be excluded from the sync. In this example, the user syncs the bucket mybucketto the local current directory. The local current directory contains the files test.jpg and test2.txt. Thebucket mybucket contains the object test.jpg of a different size than the local test.jpg:

The following sync command syncs files under a local directory to objects under a specified prefix and bucket bydownloading s3 objects. This example uses the --exclude parameter flag to exclude a specified directoryand s3 prefix from the sync command. In this example, the user syncs the local current directory to the bucketmybucket. The local current directory contains the files test.txt and another/test2.txt. The bucketmybucket contains the objects another/test5.txt and test1.txt:

The following sync command syncs objects under a specified prefix and bucket to objects under another specifiedprefix and bucket by copying s3 objects. Because both the --exclude and --include parameter flags are thrown,the second flag will take precedence over the first flag. In this example, all files are excluded from the synccommand except for files ending with .txt. The bucket mybucket contains the objects test.txt, image1.png,and image2.png. The bucket``mybucket2`` contains no objects:

Package sync provides basic synchronization primitives such as mutualexclusion locks. Other than the Once and WaitGroup types, most are intendedfor use by low-level library routines. Higher-level synchronization isbetter done via channels and communication.

While Zotero stores all data locally on your computer by default, Zotero's sync functionality allows you to access your Zotero library on any computer with internet access. Zotero syncing has two parts: data syncing and file syncing.

The first step to syncing your Zotero library is to create a Zotero account (which is also used for the Zotero Forums). Then, open the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences and enter your login information in the Data Syncing section.

Data syncing syncs library items, but doesn't sync attached files (PDFs, audio and video files, images, etc.). To sync these files, you can set up file syncing to accompany data syncing, using either Zotero Storage or WebDAV.

Zotero Storage is the recommended file sync option. It has several advantages over WebDAV syncing, including syncing of files in group libraries, web-based access to PDFs and other attachments, easier setup, guaranteed compatibility, and improved upload performance for certain files. Each Zotero user is given 300 MB of free Zotero Storage for attached files, with larger storage plans available for purchase.

WebDAV is a standard protocol for transferring files over the web, and it can be used to sync files in your personal library. (Group libraries cannot use WebDAV.) Your employer or research institution may be able to provide WebDAV storage. Otherwise, there are many third-party options, both free and paid (see WebDAV providers known to work with Zotero).

If Zotero is set to sync automatically, changes will be synced within a few seconds of being made. Otherwise, you can start a manual sync by clicking the sync button on the right-hand side of the Zotero toolbar.

If you enter the same login information into the Sync preferences on multiple computers, Zotero will sync everything transparently. Your attention should only be needed if the same item or file is edited in conflicting ways in two different places before Zotero has a chance to sync them. If that happens, you'll be presented with a conflict resolution window, where you can decide which changes to accept.

If you sync from only one computer, you can still view your online library at zotero.org from any computer. Should something happen to your computer or should you want to start using Zotero on another computer, simply set up your account info on the new computer. Zotero will pull down your entire library from the server.

If, for whatever reason, you are unable to use Zotero's syncing features, there are some alternative ways to sync your data, though there are significant risk and limitations depending on the approach that you choose.

A somewhat surprising consequence of the definition is that &mut Tis Sync (if T is Sync) even though it seems like that mightprovide unsynchronized mutation. The trick is that a mutablereference behind a shared reference (that is, & &mut T)becomes read-only, as if it were a & &T. Hence there is no riskof a data race.

For cases when one does need thread-safe interior mutability,Rust provides atomic data types, as well as explicit locking viasync::Mutex and sync::RwLock. These typesensure that any mutation cannot cause data races, hence the typesare Sync. Likewise, sync::Arc provides a thread-safeanalogue of Rc.

Hello, I am using Samsung Galaxy watch (B62B) (Model No. SM-R800) for syncing my Strava activity. It was working almost fine till yesterday until I encountered issue on syncing my morning run from Strava to Strava servers through watch. Little did I realise at that time that it can be something to do with watch.samsung.strava being down and did multiple things to fix and now have landed up in difficult situation. Looking for some assistance now.


If I understand this correctly, this forced sync occurs as part of an action that a user performs. Is there a way to force an immediate update as a result an external source updating a spreadsheet which is linked to AppSheet?

Automation occurs entirely on the server. It is not possible to perform a navigation action with Automation. Forcing an app sync requires the use of a navigation action, so is not possible with Automation.

I have been using brave for months now and had no problems until Windows 11 for my system rolled out. I choose to update keeping nothing as it ensures optimal installation.

But lost my brave app. I had many important bookmarks and details on that sync.

Pls help me, I can provide any details you want.

Looking forward for a Solution.

By default, are contacts/leads from Salesforce synced into HubSpot as marketing contacts or non-marketing contacts? I wasn't able to find anything that specifically called it out within HubSpot's documentation.

@jolle looking at the portals I've helped, it's in your power. In Settings > Integrations > Marketing Contacts, you'll find "your connected apps." Here you can turn on or off the "turn on sync contacts as marketing contacts."

If any of these conditions occur, try weighing yourself again. If the scale successfully syncs, it may have been a temporary issue that doesn't require further troubleshooting. If the problem persists, try the following tips: ff782bc1db

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