Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research fields: Behavioral Economics, Environmental and Energy Economics, Lab and Field Experiments
Can self-set goals encourage resource conservation? Field experimental evidence from a smartphone app, with Andreas Löschel and Matthias Rodemeier. European Economic Review, 160 (2023): 104612. PDF
Present focus and billing systems: Testing ‘pay-as-you-go’ vs. ‘pay-later.’ Journal Economic Behavior & Organization, 212 (2023):108-121. Open Access.
Press coverage by: BILDplus, Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Verivox, ener|gate messenger, Energie & Management.
On the role of present bias and biased price beliefs in household energy consumption, with Andreas Löschel. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 109(2021): 102500. Open Access.
Press coverage by: RNF Quasi klar!
Discussion papers
COVID-19 and the formation of energy conservation routines: Disentangling the relative importance of attention and income shocks , with Andreas Löschel, Michael Price and Laura Razzolini. PDF
Negative income shocks and the support of environmental policies: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic, with Andreas Löschel, Michael Price and Laura Razzolini. PDF
‘More bang for the buck’? Experimental evidence on the mechanisms of an energy efficiency subsidy , with Lara Bartels. PDF
Press coverage by: Mannheimer Morgen.
Selected work in progress
The importance of routines: Changes in daily commute patterns impact stress and preferences, with Andreas Löschel, Michael Price and Laura Razzolini. Working paper version available upon request.
Press coverage by: Mannheimer Morgen.
Agents of Change? - Energy advisors as key success factor for the implementation of an energy efficiency assistance program, with Bettina Chlond, Timo Goeschl and Martin Kesternich. Working paper version available upon request.
Nudging the poor: An RCT on increasing energy efficiency investments among low-income households, with Bettina Chlond, Timo Goeschl and Martin Kesternich. Working paper version available upon request.
Other publications
Deutsche Haushalte schauen zu optimistisch auf Energiekosten und zu pessimistisch auf Hilfen der Bundesregierung, ZEW policy brief, Nr. 1, 2023, with Jörg Lingens. PDF
Führen selbstgewählte Ziele zu einem geringeren Stromverbrauch?, ZEWnews, 07/08, 2022, with Andreas Löschel and Matthias Rodemeier. PDF
Warum die Kosten der jährlichen Stromrechnung vernachlässigt werden, ZEWnews, 01/02, 2021. PDF
Energienachfrage und CO2-Emissionen nach COVID-19, Wirtschaftsdienst Ökonomische Trends, 101(1), 64-66, 2021, with Andreas Löschel. PDF
Smart Energy zur Flexibilisierung und Senkung des Energieverbrauchs — Handlungsoptionen und offene Fragen, et — Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 67(8), 19–23, 2017, with Andreas Löschel. PDF