Papers and presentations



to appear. Two types of 'say'-complementation in Kipsigis. WCCFL 41 proceedings.

2022. Unifying negative bias and reminding functions: The case of Kipsigis par. NELS 52: Proceedings of the Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the North East Lingusitic Society. eds. Özge Bakay et al. Amherst, MA: GSLA. Vol. 1, 95-104.

2022. N-effects are not-P-effects: Pronoun competition in Scottish Gaelic. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 40. 425-445. DOI:

2021. *Local > local is morphological. Proceedings of the 38th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. eds. Rachel Soo et al. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 74-84.

2019. V1 in Kipsigis: Head movement and discourse-based scrambling. With Michael Diercks. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 65. DOI:


in prep. Two types of 'say'-complementation in Kipsigis.

in prep. Field guide to the Minimalist Program. With Michael Diercks.

Feel free to email me for a manuscript if it's not linked!


2023. Two types of 'say'-complementation in Kipsigis. WCCFL 41, UC Santa Cruz; May 5.

2022. Higher order ignorance in Kipsigis epistemic indefinites. Sinn und Bedeutung 27, Charles University; September 14.

2022. Negative bias, reminding, and pragmatic reasoning in Kipsigis belief reports. Triple AFLA, University of Manchester; June 28.

2022. Higher order ignorance in Kipsigis epistemic indefinites. LFRG, MIT; March 2. 

2022. Negative bias and pragmatic reasoning in Kipsigis belief reports. Ling-Lunch, MIT; February 24. 

2021. Negative bias and pragmatic reasoning in Kipsigis belief reports. NELS 52, Rutgers University; October 29.

2021. Negative bias in Kipsigis belief reports. ACAL 51-52, University of Florida; April 8.

2021. Diagnosing pragmatic bias: Kipsigis belief reports. Fieldwork Forum; UC Berkeley; March 31.

2021. Evidence for ranking: Bare noun interpretation in Kipsigis. LSA Annual Meeting; January 10.

2020. Two case studies in morphological person restrictions. CamCoS 9 New, Newcastle University; September 11. [Madeline Bossi, Emily Drummond, Zachary O’Hagan]

2020. N-effects are not-P-effects: Pronoun competition in Scottish Gaelic. Sinn und Bedeutung 25, University College London and Queen Mary University of London; September 3-9.

2020. A morphological account of promiscuous agreement and *local > local in Kipsigis ditransitives. WCCFL 38, University of British Columbia; March 7.

2020. N-effects are not-P-effects in Scottish Gaelic. Syntax-Semantics Circle, UC Berkeley; January 31.

2020. Evidence against person licensing: Omnivorous agreement and *local > local in Kipsigis ditransitives. LSA Annual Meeting; January 2. Handout.

2019. A morphological account of promiscuous agreement and *local > local in Kipsigis ditransitives. Syntax-Morphology Circle, Stanford University; December 6.

2019. V1 in Kipsigis: Head movement and discourse-based scrambling. Syntax-Semantics Circle, UC Berkeley; April 19.

2017. V1 in Kipsigis: Head movement and scrambling. Berkeley Linguistics Society 43, UC Berkeley; February 4. [Michael Diercks, Madeline Bossi]