Human Self-Domestication

A critical evaluation of domestication syndrome in the Russian silver farm-fox experiments (UNTHSC Preclinical Imaging Facility Grant #2400063). S.D. Maddux, Principal Investigator.  $4,000 

Investigating parallel patterns of skeletal gracilization in canid domestication and human evolution: A test of the ‘self-domestication’ hypothesis (University of Missouri Research Council Grant #URC-13-086). S.D. Maddux, Principal Investigator.  $7,500 

Collaborators: Lyudmila Trut & Anastasiya Kharmalova (Institute for Cytology & Genetics, Russia), Robert Franciscus & Emma Handler (University of Iowa), John Willman (University of Coimbra), Habiba Chirchir (Marshall University).

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