
MacroPro is a very simple app designed to do a very simple thing - help you compare foods on a "per calorie" basis. While I was going through my body transformation (see full details including approach/diet/training - and photos -  here) I was looking for food which maximized protein, while minimizing calories. It's not always easy to work out as this very simple example illustrates:

Oikos Triple Zero - 90 calories, 15g protein

Oikos Pro - 140 calories, 20g protein

Which is better? It's not easy to eyeball. Furthermore, most foods state things like "X grams of protein!" But miss out how many calories you are consuming per gram of protein gained. Originally I used a GSheet to work it out but now MacroPro (available here on iOS) does this for you. 

So using the screenshot as an example, if you eat 100 calories worth of tuna steak, you get 21.4 grams of protein, whereas if you ate 100 calories worth of salmon you get only 10. 

And to answer the question of the two Oikos yogurts, while you do get more protein from a pot of Oikos Pro, the extra calories mean that on a protein per calorie basis you're actually better off with the Triple 0 one (17 grams of protein per 100 calories consumed vs 14).

Features coming soon...

If people find the most basic version of this app useful I'm considering the following features (feel free to contact me if you have suggestions or want to request a specific feature):