Want to get Involved?

If you are interested in organising rallies and forums, building connections with fellow activists and politicians, and are eager to combat the climate crisis through grassroots actions, then MESCA is the group for you! If you are a Macquarie Electorate citizen that is younger than 25, we would be more than happy to welcome you to the MESCA team!

If you don't meet this criteria, don't worry! We are willing to work with anyone who cares for climate justice, so feel free to contact us. There are a variety of Climate Action groups that we can help you get in contact with, whether in the Macquarie Electorate or not.

Please feel free to contact us via our email or our Facebook account listed in our Contact Page.

If you are not comfortable in contacting us through a direct email or message, the featured placement form allows us to get in contact with you. Please fill out the following to find out more about the roles of MESCA and the logistics of our group.