
Welcome to the Macomb wrestling team. Below is all the important information for the up coming season.


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Information for the season will be sent out on remind, individual texts will not be sent to every athlete.

All nessessary forms are located directly below! They Must be filled out before you do your physical.

Student Athlete Form

Physical Form

Covid Screening

PHYSICALS: Physicals will need to be done at the college, these will take place August 6th at 6:00pm in the sports and expo center. Please try to be there early!


PRACTICE: We will be running practice will be from 6-8pm. This does not mean that every practice will last 2 hours long. Some days will be shorter others a little longer. If your classes fall in the same time we are suppose to practice, then we will set you up to workout with the high school students before our practice OR have you attend another high school room in the area where the coaches can report that you were ON TIME and practiced with them.

Second semester we will STRONGLY recommend that you plan classes around a 6-8pm practice time if possible, if that is not possible, talk with the coaching staff to workout details.

SCHEDULE: There is travel over the coarse of the season, and no one is REQUIRED to attend every open event, however all team events are REQUIRED. At individual events, unless told otherwise, you can wrestle any weight you want, however you will be asked to make certain weight for team activates. Failure to do so could result in missing out on future opportunities to wrestle.

ACADEMICS: Grades will be monitored during the season. We will work on your schedules with you for first and second semester if necessary. You must also maintain a 2.0 in order to be eligible to wrestle. You will need to enroll in 12 credit hours of classes in order to wrestle.There are very few exceptions to the rules and we can work with you in many ways to help keep the grades up, but at the end of the day, you need to make sure that you are working toward academic success.

Eric Julien - Head Coach

Raymond Filipek - Associate Head Coach

Macomb CC Wrestling Staff