ECON 1611

big data, machine learning and Society

Course Description

Big Data and Machine Learning now play a pivotal role in business and economic decision-making. As data become more widely accessible, it is essential that users can identify high quality data and understand the implications of poor data analysis. In this unit, students will explore how big data and machine learning are being used in business and policy decision-making. This unit provides a practical, skills-based approach. Students will be guided through the process and pitfalls of using and interpreting results based on big data. The target audience for this course are future business professionals who are looking to use data science to manage, communicate and influence.

Topic Areas

About me

I am a Senior Lecturer of economics. I teach subjects in statistics and econometrics. My research focuses on social and economic policies that impact the lives of individuals. This course will bring these two fields together to show you how to put advanced statistical methods into practice.

In this video you can hear me talk about the course and what to expect.

Self-assessment Quiz

Are you ready for this course? Take the quiz here.

Course Summary

Looking for some cool data? 

Visualise data for almost everything, everywhere using Data Commons

Struggling with some statistical concepts? 

These articles may be what you need!