Fixing your MacBook Trackpad
Just like the keyboard, MacBook trackpad is also a key part of any MacBook. If it stops working you are seriously in trouble, you can barely work at all. You have to get it fixed back as soon as its malfunctioned. There are several indicators that tells your trackpad is out of order. We are discussing here a few indicators that will help you understand the problem macbook repair singapore.
• Frozen trackpad
• Double click not working
• Gesture not working
• Pointer is not moving
The above-mentioned factors will indicate clearly that your trackpad is out of order. You have now following choices:
• Fix trackpad manually
• Get it fixed from any service provider like MacBook repair Singapore
• Contact Apple store for replacement of MacBook Trackpad
Manual repair
Open Appstore and go for Trackpad firmware update. You can reset SMC as well, resetting procedure depends upon which MacBook you have; either with removable battery or non- removable battery.
If the double click is not working, go to the Mouse and Trackpad settings in accessibility. You will find double-click speed slider, drag it to the middle and check if it works or not.
You can also reset the PRAM. Another manual method to get your Trackpad back on working track is to delete Trackpad property list files and restart MacBook to have the desired effects.
You can as well disconnect the wired and wireless mice connected to your MacBook.
Repair from Hardware store
You can also get your MacBook to nearest hardware store an tell them their issue. They have a lot of services to help you with. They can provide you a list of their services and you can easily decide which hardware store to visit.
Apple store
The final and last option for you is MacBook repair option. Visit the Apple store and replace or repair old Trackpad.