My friends thought it would be funny to hack into my iPhone and change the wallpaper to a picture of them. Only problem is I can't change it back- the original wallpaper is nowhere to be found on my phone!

If you're talking about some image that you downloaded then you can't change the wallpaper to it without redownloading it. If you have no way to redownload it (if your only copy was on the crashed computer - I'm guessing it was a PC ? - and it's not on the Internet) then you won't be able to change the wallpaper to it.

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I just updated my iPhone 11 to iOS 16.2 and now my lock screen is displaying just a black screen with the time, flashlight, and camera icons. I restarted the phone and verified that Settings/Wallpaper is set to select the wallpaper image that I have been using for years. After restarting the iPhone, the correct wallpaper was displayed but the next time the display went to sleep, it was again just showing the black background image.

I am experiencing all the same things already mentioned, but in my case, it may (or may not) be related to Do Not Disturb. I do not use Bedtime to schedule DND, but rather simply have it scheduled as DND: On from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., off from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Has worked for years until upgrading from 15.7 to 16.1 on Friday. I had also created wallpaper for lock screen/home screen, and edited from chunky font for time display to thinner, obviously selecting the latter for use. (Kept the orginal unwanted set just in case, as it would be easier to simply modify than going back to wallpaper and starting over in the event it disappeared.

DND malfunctioned immediately following upgrade. It goes on (and, although doesn't always give you the quick notification at the bottom of the home screen, the crescent is displayed above) but often does NOT go off! While on, apparently it chooses to black out the wallpaper selection, which I hate, but this morning, for the first time, it disabled itself on schedule. However - it also immediately switched from my selected wallpaper set in focus to the original chunky font set! It has swapped sets at other times while working on this issue, but unfortunately, I can't be specific - particularly since I didn't realize that was what was occuring. I thought initially that it was simply changing the font.

I believe there is an interplay between DND, wallpaper (as seen in Focus), etc., and am pursuing, although now that it's reaching the engineering level, that usually ends anything productive. I'm glad to have found this discussion, and hope others will continue to post so we might be able to figure it out without the assistance we know won't be forthcoming.

Thank you, ProustGiulio, for your input. I have already created a customized lock screen photo (that I have been using for years) and have selected it in SettingsWallpaper. However, when I wake the phone from sleep, it is not showing that photo. Instead, it shows a black background with the time, flashlight, and camera icons.

Returning to the problem this thread is about - - I've posted on Product Feedback - Apple several times, so apple should be aware of the wallpaper changing to a black problem. Fixing it may take some time unless the community can discover a reliable way of duplicating the problem.

There have been suggestions (speculation?) that perhaps the problem happens after a OS update - like the update from 16 to 16.1 or 16.1.1 and that a complete reset would resolve the issue. Of course, a complete reset would involve a reinstall of the OS and loss of all settings and data on phone so unless you have a good, reliable backup it might be quite difficult with no guarantee of satisfactory result.

Initially I thought it would break something, so I made sure to do an iCloud backup to my computer as well as iCloud, and because I've always found these 3rd party iTunes replacement apps a bit sketchy, I prefer to use the Windows sandbox mode, just in case.

I have the iPhone11Pro and the same thing happened I believe with the update to iOS16.0.2, as of iOS 16.1 the issue remains. Everyday my 7+ year old wallpaper disappears and both the home screen background and the lock screen become completely black.

First I decided to recover the original wallpaper image by following a series of complicated steps. The image is store as a .cpbitmap file, which I believe is an Apple proprietary image format used in iOS and iPadOS. This is what I did in case anyone is curious. Without ever deleting my current wallpaper (even if not showing in the main screen, it still appeared on the Settings app). Instructions using Windows 11 2H22:

On ios 16.1 - The post login Homescreen wallpaper keeps disappearing into a jet black background even though all the app icons still show up as they were - rebooting the phone restores the wallpaper till I have locked/unloced the phone 3 to 4 times and then back to black background.

Lock your phone and then hard press on the home screen - as your phone wakes up you should now see various wallpaper options and if you want, you can actually flick away the options you don't want - one can actually create myriad combos now!

Did you ever find a fix? I have the same issue on 2 different 14ProMax. It was fine on my old XSMax. On new phone it will not allow a different lock n Home Screen. Also had the black out Home Screen issue.

When I reboot or restart my iPhone I lose my wallpaper picture to a solid black screen. I go to settings>wallpaper select add new wallpaper. Go to my pictures to select what I had before, but it gives me a blurry picture! This only started after last update.

Your method works, but only if the lock screen wallpaper and the phone's wallpaper are the same. When I tried to change my lock screen wallpaper back to the original wall paper (how I had it before the IOS update), my main wallpaper in my phone turned black again. Before the update to IOS 16.1.1, my lock screen wall paper was different from my main wall paper and I had no issues with it. With this new update, it seems to want you to use the same wallpaper for the lock screen and the main wallpaper, which is ludicrous. I hope Apple will push out a patch to fix this soon!

I have the same problem that just started. I restarted once it came back. Six hours the same thing happened. I restarted it but the wallpaper did not come back. I deleted the photo and reinstalled it.

After the update it seemed to have resolved. Is back to the same old crap. This is so frustrating and Apple needs to fix this! Way too much money for a phone and there is no one to reach out to in Apple for help wirh this ongoing issue.

so essentially, whatever photo you put on your lockscreen, keep it somewhere safe outside of any Apple product, because it will be lost otherwise... one random update later or another. Apple "backup" is not a real backup, it's a mirage.

I've had this problem on version 16 then on 16.1 then on 16.2 then on 16.3 all the work arounds are temporary. I've contacted apple. Worked with an apple analyst and still this is not working so annoying. I've restored from backup and works for a time but goes back to black. This part may be helpful I've noticed that coming back from an app which may already have a black background the system keeps that background. I would have the Home Screen display the setup Home Screen every time there is an exist and return to Home Screen. Or the Home Screen will keep the last app appearance. Hope this is helpful ...... waiting for the fix .....

Worked with an apple analyst and still this is not working so annoying. I've restored from backup and works for a time but goes back to black. This part may be helpful I've noticed that coming back from an app which may already have a black background the system keeps that background. I would have the Home Screen display the setup Home Screen every time there is an exist and return to Home Screen. Or the Home Screen will keep the last app appearance. Hope this is helpful ...... waiting for the fix ..... 152ee80cbc

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