Multi-Agent Behavior:
Representation, Modeling, Measurement, and Applications
CVPR 2022

Call for Papers Timeline:

    • We are excited to offer a limited number of travel grants to students and postdocs to attend CVPR and our workshop. Each award will cover at least $500 towards travel and meeting attendance costs (larger grants may be available to those traveling longer distances.)

    • Apply for travel grants by submitting an extended abstract or paper to Round 2 and we will review travel grant applications submitted between now and May 27th on a rolling basis.

    • Round 2 Submission deadline: May 27th, midnight AoE

Submit at:

Travel grants with submissions reviewed on a rolling basis.

    • Final Decisions: June 3rd

    • Camera-ready Deadline: June 10th (same as CVPR camera ready format)

Date of poster session: June 20th.

We will review all papers on multi-agent behavior modeling from 2~8 pages (excluding references) in the CVPR 2022 format. See more details below.

Both submission rounds will be reviewed in the same manner, but only Round 1 decisions will be announced before the CVPR early bird registration deadline on April 30th!

Please contact us at with any questions.

Past Deadlines:

    • Round 1 Submission deadline: April 15th, midnight AoE

Submit at:

    • Final Decisions: April 29th

    • Camera-ready Deadline: May 14th

Submission Details and Reviews

  • Authors are required to submit their papers to Microsoft CMT by the submission deadline.

  • Papers are required to be 2~8 pages (excluding references) in the CVPR 2022 format. Submissions must abide by CVPR 2022 policies (plagiarism, conflicts, etc.), with the exception of dual submissions, which are allowed.

      • We allow a wide range of pages to enable both 2-page "extended abstract" submissions and longer paper submissions.

  • Reviews are single-blind: authors do not know the names of the reviewers, and reviewers know the names of the authors. We do not require anonymization of submissions.

  • Top paper submissions may be invited to present in an oral session at our workshop.

Publication Policy for Accepted Submissions

  • The workshop proceedings will not appear in the official CVPR 2022 workshop proceedings; presentation of a poster at this workshop therefore does not preclude further publication.

  • Because the goal of the workshop is to bring together research in Multi-Agent Behavior Modeling, we allow submissions of work that has been previously published.

  • Poster titles, author lists, and abstracts will be published on the MABe 2022 workshop website, and authors of accepted papers will have the option to submit a pdf or arXiv link of their manuscript to be included in this listing.

Example Topics

  • Computational Approaches of Behavior

      • Supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised methods to quantify behavior

      • Timescale analysis: ways to study behavior at different timescales

      • Generative modeling

      • Multi-agent reinforcement learning

      • Safe/social multi-agent modeling

  • Behavior Analysis Applications

      • Robotics

      • Virtual agents

      • Autonomous vehicles

      • Sports analytics

      • Action Recognition

      • Computational ethology

      • Behavioral neuroscience

  • Human-in-the-loop Behavioral Models

      • Interpretable machine learning

      • Active Learning

      • Integrating Domain Knowledge

  • Datasets and Benchmarks

      • New multi-agent datasets

      • Evaluation procedure and metrics

  • Perspectives on Behavior

      • Different ways to define behavior

      • Review papers on multi-agent behavior