Multi-Agent Behavior:
Representation, Modeling, Measurement, and Applications
Organized in conjunction with CVPR 2021

How to attend our virtual workshop?

Our workshop is part of the conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR). To attend our workshop and participate in discussions and submit questions, please register for CVPR at this link: This gives you access to the virtual platform used by our workshop. This registration also allows you to attend other workshops, tutorials, and poster presentations at CVPR.

We are additionally planning on streaming speaker talks to YouTube, so if you are just planning on watching, feel free to simply tune in! The link to the stream will be posted to this page, or sign up here to be emailed a link to the stream.

How does Gatherly work?

We will have a 1 hour break between talks from 10am-11am Pacific/1pm-2pm Eastern time. The organizers will be at the Gatherly link provided by CVPR on Cadmium and you can drop by for a chat! Gatherly is a video chat software where participants can move around (spatially in 2D), and only video/audio of those close to you is shown. You can move around by simply clicking on people you would like to chat with! This helpful video will show you how to move around in Gatherly. Additional information is in the Gatherly Video Guides.

Help! Zoom/YouTube/Gatherly is not working and I am not able to attend the workshop!

The Zoom link and Gatherly link will be available only for CVPR attendees via the Cadmium platform provided by CVPR. The YouTube stream link is publicly available. If you are having trouble with Gatherly, please use this Gatherly troubleshooting guide. If you are having trouble with Zoom, please use this Zoom troubleshooting guide. If you are not able to use any of the virtual tools, and you have tested your internet connection, please contact us at and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

Us: Any questions, comments or suggestions? Message us at!

We look forward to meeting you (virtually)!