About Me

Basic Info

  • Name: Matthew (alternatively read as マシュー, honestly any similar sounding phonetic approximation works)

  • Birth year: 2001

  • Nationality: Filipino

  • Pronouns: He/They (and appropriate corresponding grammar forms)


  • I am left-handed.

  • I like reading. Not limited to print books. For example, I like binging wikis. None of these are exhaustive lists.

    • Fiction: Magical realism, Historical, Science, Satirical, Fantasy

    • Nonfiction: Historical, Political

    • Some wikis: SCP, Warhammer 40K, etc. (whatever game/book I happen to be focusing on)

  • I like anime. However, I am not updated that much, and I am not too affected by FOMO.

  • In terms of gadgets, I am mainly a tablet and laptop user.

  • I know how to code, but mostly to the extent that I can use the computer as a calculator.

  • In terms of instruments, I can play the recorder and the ukulele at an amateur level. I know practice takes time, and that is why I am content with staying at this level, at least for the time being.

  • I like taking pictures, mostly of nature, landscapes, and cityscapes.