Team Goals

Increasing Community Outreach

As our team grows in size and experience, we want to continue to expand our reach and presence in our community to spread the messages of ​FIRST ​and Gracious Professionalism​​. To do this, we will continue to seek out new opportunities for community outreach and volunteering. Some current ideas include volunteering to help an animal shelter and doing presentations on ​FIRST ​ in classes at our school to get more students interested in the program.

Increasing Size

Currently, our team has only 8 students. While this allows all students on the team to actively participate in all aspects of the robotics program, we are planning to include more students in our team who share the same passion for learning Robotics. We want to ensure the team continues even after we have graduated from middle school. Hence adding new younger minds will keep the team rotating and continue to keep utilizing all the wealth of information and knowledge acquired over time.

Increasing Diversity

We would like to make our team inclusive to everyone. No matter their grade or race, we would love everyone to be able to be a part of our FIRST community. To do this, we will continue making inclusivity a priority, by posting forms from different local school groups for recruitment. We also make it simple to join, so that we can add many more members in the future. Though the core team members may have moved on, others will always be able to learn and grow from their success.

Acquiring Sponsorships

To run a successful team, we will continue to need the support of generous sponsors. While we were fortunate to have our parents sponsor this year to take care of all our financial needs, we believe we will need to get more corporations to sponsor our team in the future. As our team plans to expand our efforts out into the community more, we will need more sponsors to support us. As we become more present in our community and gain new students, we hope to also gain new mentors.