Job Shadow Experience

Marvel Velasquez


9 Hampton Ln

Cartersville,GA 30120 United States

WBL Job shadow experience

I job shadowed on February 17, 2022 at 9 Hampton Ln cartersville Georgia. The person I job shadowed does not have a specific location since he works as a landscaper. I was able to arrange a placement with him because he works for my Super Intendant at the country club and my super intendant referred me to him and gave me his number, then I just proceeded to give him a call. The majority of the work mainly consist around planting and mowing but that’s mainly in the summer. What we did during the job shadow was lay sod down in the customers back yard and some at the front, change sprinkler heads and remove weeds. I was Observing Pedro Robledo which is the person I was job shadowing but he also has people that help him. Luíz was the guy in charged of bring the sod and the equipment needed to do the job, and Pedro was the one that told everyone what they had to do and how to do it. I chose to job shadow at this particular business because I work at the country club and I am very familiar with some of the work they do or have done and Pedro owns his business which is what I want to do one day as well.

This was a small operation since we went to only two houses to work at. This is not a family business, it’s a single owner type of deal with people under him. How this works is pedro gets a call from a client and the client then tells him what needs to be done. Pedro then tells the rest of the crew the materials and supplies that are required for the job and they work as a team to finish the job. Everyone there is hard working but also know when to relax. Everyone that was at the job site with me were friendly and patient as I helped them later the sod down and bring the tools to where they were needed. Everyone that was at the site were all males and Hispanics. Pedro was the only one with a degree in business and everyone else just had high school as their highest level of education. Personally I don’t enjoy this type of environment but I am very good at working outside and with my hands, but I wouldn’t mind starting there but then finding a better opportunity.

Everyone had to be at the job site at 8 AM but with an exception of me since I had to attend a WBL meeting that same morning so I ended up arriving at the site around 9 AM. They were done with the first house around 11 AM and then went to the other clients house and finished that job pretty quickly. We were done with everything around 2:00 in the afternoon. They had only one break and that was at 12 am and ended at 1 pm but yes they do have an assigned time to take their break. We first took out the grass they wanted us to take out and then proceeded to lay the sod down to replace the other grass. After that, we took out some weeds that they wanted gone around the perimeter of the property and lastly we changed their sprinkler heads. We did the same thing at the second house but we didn’t change sprinklers there. I have payed sod down before and removed weeds but the one thing I was familiarized with was the tools needed to change the sprinklers or even how to change the sprinklers. Everything else was very familiar to me.

What I got from this job shadow experience was the amount of money that people are willing to pay to replace, change and get rid of things, time management and leadership skills applied to a real world situation. Pedro is good at communicating with the customer and has great service and does an excellent job at what he does. This was exactly what and how I expected it to go down as because landscaping is not that complicated and is pretty straight forward. I wouldn't mind working in a similar place or conditions but I don’t think this is what I want to do for as a career. To get the Super intendent position you just need a bachelors in business to own your own company and some outside work experience. You can find this type of training at your local country club or places where they do maintenance outside. I would extremely recommend this business to another person or student especially if they are interested or are good at working outside and with their hands since everyone that works there are lenient and patient.