
21 August 2023 @Almaty 6002, Sheraton Grand Macao



Profile picture of Piotr Faliszewski.

AGH University of Science and Technology

Piotr Faliszewski is a professor at the AGH University in Krakow, Poland. He received his PhD from the University of Rochester, USA. His research interests span computational social choice, parameterized and approximation algorithms, and numerical experiments regarding voting and elections. He is an associate editor of the Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, and Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems journals. He publishes at such venues as AAAI, IJCAI, AAMAS, and journals such as AIJ, JAIR, and others. He is a recipient of the "Polityka" research award and Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He is currently running an ERC Consolidator project PRAGMA.

Profile picture of Warut Suksompong.

National University of Singapore

Warut Suksompong is an assistant professor in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He completed his PhD at Stanford University and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford. His research interests include algorithmic game theory, mechanism design, social choice theory, and other problems at the interface between computer science, economics, mathematics, and operations research. He is a recipient of the IJCAI Distinguished Paper Award, the WINE Best Student Paper Award, the NUS Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, and the NUS Presidential Young Professorship. He co-presented tutorials on fair division at IJCAI 2019 and 2022 and published a survey on tournaments at IJCAI 2021.


Profile picture of Nisarg Shah.

University of Toronto

Nisarg Shah is an associate professor of computer science at the University of Toronto. He has been recognized as part of "Innovators Under 35" by MIT Technology Review Asia Pacific in 2022 and "AI's 10 to Watch" by IEEE Intelligent Systems in 2020. He is also the winner of the 2016 IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award and the 2014-2015 Facebook PhD Fellowship. Shah conducts research at the intersection of computer science and economics, addressing issues of fairness, efficiency, elicitation, and incentives that arise when humans are affected by algorithmic decision-making. His recent work develops theoretical foundations for fairness in fields such as voting, resource allocation, and machine learning. He has co-developed two not-for-profit websites, and, which have helped more than 200,000 users make provably fair and optimal decisions in their everyday lives. He earned his PhD in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University.

Profile picture of Lirong Xia.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Lirong Xia is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). He was an NSF CI Fellow at the Center for Research on Computation and Society at Harvard University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and M.A. in Economics from Duke University. His research focuses on the intersection of computer science and microeconomics. He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award, a Rensselaer James M. Tien'66 Early Career Award, and was named as one of "AI's 10 to watch" by IEEE Intelligent Systems.

Toby Walsh (Moderator)

The University of New South Wales

Toby Walsh is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Scientia Professor of AI at UNSW and  CSIRO Data61. He is Chief Scientist of UNSW.AI, UNSW's new AI Institute. He is a strong advocate for limits to ensure AI is used to improve our lives, having spoken at the UN, and to heads of state, parliamentary bodies, company boards and many others on this topic. This advocacy has led to him being "banned indefinitely" from Russia. He is a Fellow of the Australia Academy of Science, and was named on the international "Who's Who in AI" list of influencers. He has written three books on AI for a general audience, the most recent is "Machines Behaving Badly: the morality of AI".


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