Career Consultation

Jayson Fredrick - Southern Cove

After interviewing the owner of Southern Cove, Jason Fredrick, I have learned quite a few things that I believe will help me in the future. To begin, the job takes a lot of demanding work and commitment, a lot of struggle and stress, but in the end, it is all worth it. I learned the importance of your employees and why you should put them above all else. During my interview Jason said something to me that will stick with me for a long time. He said, “if you put customer service, store presence, and employees all into a bucket and ask someone to put them in order from most important to least, most people would put customer service on top but that is wrong. Employees are and will always be on top and here is why. If you take care of and respect your employees, they will take care of your store and your customers. So, take care of one and the rest comes with it.” This is a fantastic way of thinking, and it will stay with me for a long time. This job is a good fit for me because I have no plan of working for other people and the only way to only work for yourself is to start your own business. Another reason I like the job is because I get to conversate with a diversity of people daily. I would get to meet new people every day and make more connections. All this is to say, this is the job I desire.