
To validate the proposed approach, we asked several selected users to design an emergency management scenario related to a given smart city. In particular, we focused on two cities of Lazio region in Italy: Rome and Latina.

They are representative, respectively, of European large and medium-sized cities. Then, we further restricted our experimentation by giving some guidelines to drive the design of the scenario model. To this purpose, we asked users to imagine some events impacting on one or two services in the city, a couple of situations where the exchange of information between users or services involved in the emergency scenario take place, and a final situation where an emergency service participates to the recovery.

The users were city planners selected from three major Italian organizations playing an official role in emergency management: ENEA, which is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development; ARPALazio, which is the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Lazio region; and Civil Protection of Rome. Most of the participants to the experimentation have more than 10 years experience in their field. The involved city planners of ENEA are researchers involved mainly in risk and impact analysis activities and in simulation research. They include the head and some members of the Laboratory for the Analysis and Protection of Critical Infrastructures, and some members of the task force for the ENEA activities related to the Central Italy earthquake of 2016 that caused many damages and casualties, in particular, in the city of Amatrice. The involved ARPALazio city planners are officials with duties related mainly to control and analysis activities on the field. They include also the director of ARPALazio headquarters of Rome and the head of Environmental Pressure Department.

Finally the involved city planners of Civil Protection have duties related to the whole emergency preparedness but focus mainly on interventions on the field.


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