Critical Theory Librarianship

Master Counter Narrative_LGrimes.pptx

Black Panther Party Counter Narrative Instuction Guide

An instructional guide I created to deconstruct narratives surrounding the Black Panther Party in the United States. The guide points out common misconceptions about the BPP while providing eight other resources teachers and librarians can use to counter narratives about the BPP

Last Updated: 03/23/22

INLS 530 Cultural Identity

Native American Cultural Identity Formation Presentation and Media Guide

A lesson about Native American cultural identity formation and the book "Apple: Skin to the Core." The lesson includes a link to a site intended for teens (Native & non-Native) to find Native representation in media and for North Carolina residents to learn more about Native American tribes in North Carolina.

Completed in conjunction with Amy Vincent, Matthew Thieroff, and Maggie O'Sullivan

Last Updated: 11/5/22

Misinformation in Black History LibGuide

A LibGuide created in an effort to identify tactics used throughout history to delegitimize and attack the Black community and its movements. This site identifies some of those tactics, while also providing alternate sources (books, movies, podcasts, etc.) to learn more about real Black History.

Last Updated: 11/29/21

Fairytale Retellings for Diverse Youth LibGuide

A LibGuide created with the motive of identifying fairy tales with protagonists of color. Fairy tales are divided by tale (Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, etc.) and are meant to value, uplift, and center voices of non-white tales and stories. Tales were selected from around the world.

Last Updated: 04/11/22

INLS 732 - Class Annotated Bibliography

Principles of Radical Change Annotated Bibliography

Radical change is defined as, "a way of understanding books that can be used by anyone interested in literature for youth—used to identify books with characteristics reflecting the interactivity, connectivity, and access of the digital world." (Dresang, 1999) Focusing on the principles of "changing forms and formats", "changing perspectives," and "changing boundaries" this annotated bibliography was co-created with members of INLS 732 to identify books for youth that uplift and center voices that often go unheard and ignored.