Lyons Laboratory

College of Staten Island - City University of New York

The Lyons Lab develops novel methods for fabricating nanotextured surfaces with hierarchical roughness and studies the effects of surface morphology and chemical functionality on optical, catalytic, mechanical and wetting behavior.  Major projects underway include:

Hasanuwan  Ihalagedara spoke at the ACS Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting

Title: Superhydrophobic surface-supported photosensitizer enhances efficiency of gas-phase singlet oxygen generation

June 9th, 2023. 

Chathuna Bodahandi discusses his poster at the ACS MARM meeting

Title: Superhydrophobic antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (SH-aPDT) dressing for preventing burn wound infections using an ex-vivo porcine skin model

June 9th, 2023 

Congratulations to Aya !

Poster presented at CSI's 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium

Polymer Science & Technology

Instructors:  Alan Lyons and Joel Fried 

Best Poster Award - 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference - Philadelphia PA - June 2022


The Effect of Dust Hygroscopicity on Soiling and Self-Cleaning Processes in a Condensing Environment

Jordan Eidlisz, Madupa Abywardena, Illya Nayshevsky, QianFeng Xu, and Alan M. Lyons

Anastasia Maximenko - Featured Speaker Winner !

Applications of Singlet Oxygen in Photodynamic Therapy: Evaluating the Stability of Chlorin e6

Edmond George

Enhanced Water Collection From Air Using Hybrid-Hydrophobic Surfaces 

Mehnoor Khan, Danielle Ohana & Samuel Krichavets

Testing the Thermal Stability of Singlet Oxygen Photosensitizers

Gil Barahman

Effect of Surface Topography on Singlet Oxygen Generation

Jordan Eidlisz

The Effect of Hygroscopicity on Water Collection Rates and Self-Cleaning Rates in a Condensing Environment

Vlada Lisina

Dependency of Soiling Rate on Condensate pH using Calcium Carbonate Particles

Edmond George

Enhanced Water Collection From Air Using Hybrid-Hydrophobic Surfaces 

Manikkuwadura De Silva, Zahra A Raja, Abdonnie R Holder, Brittany L McCarthy, Robert Persaud

Effect of Singlet Oxygen on Streptococcus mutans

Mehnoor Khan, Danielle Ohana & Samuel Krichavets

Effect of Heat on Stability of Chlorin e6 Photosensitizers for Dental Applications

Anastasia Maximenko

Applications of Singlet Oxygen in Photodynamic Therapy: Evaluating the Stability of Chlorin e6

Congratulations to Dr. Illya Nayshevsky 

Illya Nayshevsky successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation at the CUNY Graduate Center 1/21/2020

Watch Illya summarize his 4 years of research in 4 minutes during his Dissertation Showcase presentation! (Illya's talk starts at 20:14)

Just Published

Fluoropolymer coatings for solar cover glass: Anti-soiling mechanisms in the presence of dew

Illya Nayshevsky, QianFeng Xu, Gil Barahman, Alan M.Lyons

click for dust-herding video

Just Published

Self-Cleaning Hybrid Hydrophobic–Hydrophilic Surfaces: Durability and Effect of Artificial Soilant Particle Type

Illya Nayshevsky , QianFeng Xu , Jimmy M. Newkirk , Daniel Furhang , David C. Miller, and Alan M. Lyons 

2020_IEEE J PV_Nayshevsky-Lyons_Self-Cleaning Hybrid Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Surfaces - Durability Artificial Soilant Type_Early Access.pdf

2019 CUNY Research Scholars Program 

Edmond George presents his poster entitled "Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Surfaces for Anti-Soiling Applications" to the CUNY Research Scholars Program.

2019 Undergraduate Research Conference - Posters from the Lyons Group

"Singlet Oxygen Generation with Plastic Optical Fiber Devices"

L-R  Samuel Krichavets, Mehnoor Khan,Gil Barahman and Danielle Ohana

"Effect of Tilt Angle and Soil Type on Anti-Soiling and Self-Cleaning Properties of Hybrid Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Surfaces"  

Daniel Furhang

"Thermal Transfer on Superhydrophobic Surfaces"

Louis Pimpinella

Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Illya Nayshevsky !

Best student paper award from WCPEC-7 /  2018 Area 9 soiling  

 "Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Surfaces Exhibiting Dropwise Condensation for Anti-Soiling Applications"  authors:  Illya Nayshevsky, QianFeng Xu, and Alan M. Lyons

Upcoming Courses

Transport Phenomena on Textured Surfaces: Fundamentals and Applications

International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine Italy

Fall, 2020

Upcoming Courses

Polymer Science and Technology

ACS Professional Education

 Recent: March 25, 2023, Indianapolis, IN

Next: August, 12-13, 2023, San Francisco CA