Price List

Simple Icon - €50

Simple and sketchy colored icon

The price shown is for Сartoon style
Styles for choice: Cartoon or Semi-feral or Chibi

Complex Icon - €100

 Complex and rendered colored icon

The price shown is for Сartoon style
Styles for choice: Cartoon or Semi-feral or Chibi

B/W Bust

The image of the head and upper body to the chest

  Sketch - €60

  Simple painting - €100

Abstract gradient or cloudy background

Add hands - €10 or 15
Add a themed background - €30

Additional details such as jewelry/clothes/armor are calculated individually

Colored Bust

The image of the head and upper body to the chest

  Simple painting - €120
  Complex painting - €150

Abstract gradient or cloudy background

Add hands - €20 or 30
Add a themed background - €50

Additional details such as jewelry/clothes/armor are calculated individually

B/W Simple Sketch 

Simple and quick sketch

  Portrait - €30

  Half Body - €60

  Full Body - €90

Add shadows + 30%

Additional details such as jewelry/clothes/armor are calculated individually

B/W Soft Sketch 

Soft and atmospheric sketch

  Portrait - €60

  Half Body - €120

  Full Body - €180

Abstract gradient background

Additional details such as jewelry/clothes/armor are calculated individually

B/W Complex Sketch 

Detailed sketch with hatching

  Full Body - €250

Possible additional detail in the form of a seat or drapery

Additional details such as jewelry/clothes/armor are calculated individually

Colored Simple Sketch

Simple and quick colored sketch

  Portrait - €40

  Half Body - €80

  Full Body - €120

Add shadows + 30%

Additional details such as jewelry/clothes/armor are calculated individually

Colored Simple Painting

Something between a sketch and a complex painting. A soft drawing with a slight hint of lines and shadows

  Portrait - €80

  Half Body - €160

  Full Body - €240

Abstract gradient background

Additional details such as jewelry/clothes/armor are calculated individually

Colored Complex Painting

Fine detail drawing

  Portrait - €120

  Half Body - €240

  Full Body - €360

Abstract gradient background

Additional details such as jewelry/clothes/armor are calculated individually


Please pay attention to the text below

Prices below are by default for Colored Сomplex Painting backgrounds!

The character's level of detail should MATCH the level of background detail for overall harmony!

✦ If there are 2 or more characters in illustration this does not reduce the complexity and cost of the background.

✦ On an individual request, I can draw a landscape without a character.

All sizes and proportions of backgrounds are approximate and may vary from case to case.

I may charge extra for the architecture or any other background elements that I consider to be more difficult than usual.

Differences in detailing:

 Mini - Something like a desert or foggy landscape, or cloudless sky.

  Medium - Not many details will be depicted in this background. It can be a bedroom or a corner of the room. Regarding the natural background - most of it can be occupied by a tree or something like that.

  Extra - Very detailed background. Whether it is water/forest themed nature or an interior with various furniture and objects.



  Mini - 50

  Medium - 100

  Extra - 150




  Mini - €100

  Medium - €150

  Extra - €300




  Mini - €200 

  Medium - €400

  Extra - €600


Sketch Sheet

I am changing the type of this commission. You can see examples of old work in the >> Gallery <<
Order only if you trust my abilities and like surprises.

Below is the latest information:

Fix Price - €400

Creative freedom only

You will definitely get from 4 to 8 items in one sheet in one of my styles (You can choose the style).

Filling for the Sketch Sheet - any

✦ Flat color only

✦ No background

Telegram Stickers

Cute stickers to use on the Telegram messenger

I accept orders for stickers starting from 4 stickers!

Prices are for ONE sticker:

 Head - €10

  Half Body - €20

  Full Body - €30

  Additional details or/and Сomplex character -
€5 or €10

✦  Add "YOU" character - €15

✦  All non-standard stickers with complex design/elaboration are calculated individually

✦  NSFW for one sticker - €5

- You must have a visual character reference
- You will receive a ready-made pack uploaded to Telegram including a sticker that features my nickname for credit purposes. You will also get PNG files in full and small resolution
- You may remake the pack or add stickers to another pack on Telegram as long as my credit sticker is included in the pack

Reference Sheet

 You can order a Reference Sheet with any filling

  Keep in mind that the reference requires a lot of time, labor and communication, especially if it is a character design from scratch
  For the design of the character from scratch, I take an additional fee + 30% to the total price of the reference

Colored Complex Painting

Something more than just a reference..

 ONE Figure view (Front OR Side OR Back) - €360

  ONE Head with emotion - €80

  ONE Additional detail (eye, paw, mouth, etc.) - €50

✦  Any additions in the form of clothes, jewelry, tattoos objects, etc. are calculated individually.

✦  NSFW version - €25

✦  NSFW part - €50

Themed Bust - €150 OR €200 (with BG)

Themed Full Body Illustration - €500

- Shadows and accent light from case to case
- Abstract gradient background
- Character Info and Palette

- The price for the thematic background is calculated individually depending on the complexity
- The price for the complexity of the character is calculated individually

Colored Simple Painting

Something between a sketch and a complex painting. A soft drawing with a slight hint of lines and shadows

  ONE Figure view (Front OR Side OR Back) - €240

  ONE Head with emotion - €50

  ONE Additional detail (eye, paw, mouth, etc.) - €20

✦  Any additions in the form of clothes, jewelry, tattoos objects, etc. are calculated individually.

✦  NSFW version - €25

✦  NSFW part - €20

Themed Bust - €110 OR 150 (with BG)

Themed Full Body Illustration - 300

- Light shadows
- Flat color or gradient background
- Character Info and Palette

- No thematic background
- The price for the complexity of the character is calculated individually

Line + Color Reference Sheet


  ONE Figure view (Front OR Side OR Back) - €150

  ONE Head with emotion - €40

  ONE Additional detail (eye, paw, mouth, etc.) - €15

✦  Any additions in the form of clothes, jewelry, tattoos objects, etc. are calculated individually.

✦  NSFW version - €25

✦  NSFW part - €15

✦  Add shadows + 20% for each element of reference

Themed Bust - €110 OR €150 (with BG)

Themed Full Body Illustration - €300

- Flat color or gradient background
- Character Info and Palette

- No thematic background
- The price for the complexity of the character is calculated individually

Colored Sketch

A simple and quick reference for the general representation of your character

  ONE Figure view (Front OR Side OR Back) - €100

  ONE Head with emotion - €30

  ONE Additional detail (eye, paw, mouth, etc.) - €10

✦  Any additions in the form of clothes, jewelry, tattoos objects, etc. are calculated individually.

✦  NSFW version - €25

✦  NSFW part - €10

- Flat color or gradient background
- Character Info and Palette

- No thematic background 

- No shadows, bust and illustration

- The price for the complexity of the character is calculated individually

More examples you can find in >> Gallery  <<

If you did not find what you were looking for, you can always clarify your question with me personally!