Mountain View District

 Lay Servants

 What is Lay Servant Ministries and how do I learn more?

Lay Servant Ministries

Lay Servant Ministries is one of the most significant lay leadership development programs already available within the United Methodist connection. Through this system of equipping and empowering, lay servants have the opportunity to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ who then go and make other disciples. The program in the Mountain View District has two main purposes: to provide training opportunities for lay persons to serve the church (local, district, state and beyond) and to support the district ministers by providing trained lay speakers when a minister must be out of the pulpit for a short time.  Those two purposes give our laity the opportunity to learn and serve. The individual discerns the pathway that suits them - Certified Lay Servant, Certified Lay Speaker or Certified Lay Minister. 

Certified Lay Servant, Lay Speaker and Lay Minister - what do those mean?

These definitions and requirements were adopted at the 2016 General Conference - each role has different criteria for certification and renewal:

Certified Lay Servant - Serves the local church or charge (and/or beyond) by providing program leadership, assistance, and support; leading meetings for prayer, training, study, and discussion; conducting, or assisting with services of worship, preaching the Word, or giving addresses; providing congregational and community leadership and fostering caring ministries; assisting in the distribution of the elements of Holy Communion; and teaching the Scriptures, doctrine, organization, and ministries of The United Methodist Church. Criteria for certification - Pastor and church council or charge conference recommendation; Lay Servant Ministries BASIC course and one LSM advanced course; district committee  approval. Criteria for renewal - Annual report & renewal application (through EVC portal); Pastor and church council or charge conference recommendation; one LSM advanced course in the last three years; district committee approval for continuation.

Certified Lay Speaker - In addition to all the ways lay servants serve the church, Certified Lay Speakers serve by preaching the Word when requested by the pastor, district superintendent, or committee on Lay Servant Ministries. Criteria for certification - Certified as a lay servant; completion of a track of study; approval by Conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries after interview with and recommendation from the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries Criteria for renewal - Annual report & renewal application; Pastor and church council or charge conference recommendation; one LSM advanced course in the last three years; district committee approval after interview every three years.

Certified Lay Minister - Serves the church and community in all the ways lay servants and lay speakers serve and as part of a ministry team with supervision and support of a clergyperson Certified Lay Ministers also conduct public worship; care for the congregation; develop new faith communities; preaches the Word; lead small groups; establish outreach ministries; serve as a class leader; and engage in specialized ministries after appropriate training such as in parish nursing and church planting Criteria for certification - In addition to the criteria for Lay Speaker the Lay Minister must also meet with the District Committee on Ordained Ministry and obtain approval from the District Superintendent after appropriate screening and assessment Criteria for renewal - Annual report & renewal application (through EVC portal); Pastor and church council or charge conference recommendation; ministry review; annual approved continuing education event; District Superintendent recommendation; district committee approval for continuation with interview at least once every two years.

Who is leading the army of Lay Servants, Speakers and Ministers and how do I fit in?

Lay Servant Ministries on the Mountain View District will be led by a team of passionate volunteers who will focus their efforts on different aspects of the program.

Leading the charge in the area of communication is Chris Howell, a Certified Lay Servant since 2013. She will be the main point of contact for pastors who need pulpit supply and  lay servants/speakers who are willing to fill in. She will also try to maintain a database of lay servants, speakers and ministers in order to communicate training opportunities and other events. 

We need more people to round out the team - are you available? We plan to have in-person training events in each quarter of 2024. Meanwhile, join our email list to be made aware of online and other trainings. You can send an email to or text Chris Howell 434-665-8138.