Post Surgical Lymphatic Drainage Massage in Naples, FL

• $90 for 1 hr - lymphatic post-surgical massage
• $50 for 30 min  - e-stim for scars only (when lymphatic massage is no longer needed / no swelling)

3811 Airport Pulling Rd N, Suite 205, Naples, FL 34105

—What is your specialty?
I specialize in post-surgical and lymphatic drainage massage after liposuction, (lipo), tummy tuck, BBL, complete mommy makeover, 360, knee, hip, mastectomy, lymphadenectomy, face lift, and shoulder surgeries in Naples, Florida. 

I also do a lot of work with medical massage and scars. Professional medical-oriented therapy only – female clients only ("transitioning" to/from female counts). 

Do you have an experience with post lipo or BBL?
14 years. 

–How can you touch me after surgery? It hurts already!
I got so many calls about this. People calling me panicking, saying the surgery site hurts and how in the world can they bear someone touching them. Out of hundreds+ of post-operative massages I’ve done, so far, almost everyone said that it’s bearable - I'm a professional.

–How soon after the surgery do I need to get lymphatic drainage post-operative massage?
That is between you and your doctor. Some doctors tell their patients to come the same week as soon as possible, some say the next week, etc. Your plastic surgeon has to tell you what to do.

–How many massages do I need to do?
Everyone responds to surgery differently - depends on your budget and what your doctor recommends. Some people I have seen did one and get a good jump-start on their healing. Others do 3 massages. Yet others get 5-20, if their body is very swollen and painful. Every body is different. Normally I find that 3-6 lymph drainage massages is a good number to help you make the recovery less stressful and more manageable but ultimately it’s between you, your surgeon, and your pocketbook.

–Do you do lymphatic massage for headaches, cellulite, fat loss, allergies?
I do NOT do lymphatic massage for arthritis, headaches, flu, cellulite, acne, or allergies. I have not seen immediate results with that, so I prefer not to do something that may or may not be effective.

–In Miami, they did manual draining of liquids thru the tube. Do you do that?
When I called the FL Health Department last year to ask about it, they said that is outside of the scope of practice (not allowed) for licensed massage therapists to do that. What happens in Miami, stays in Miami? I will NOT be doing a Miami-style lymphatic drainage massage. If that is what you expect, you will be disappointed with me. 

–Why Healing Multiverse?
• Support a small business that gives back to the community
• 14+ years of experience
• Specializing in post surgical massage – I have done hundreds of them
• Not a cookie-cutter spa, instead you get customized and professional treatment
• Personalized attention and time
• Simple menu of services; thus no up-sale gimmicks to “upgrade”
• Privacy and First Class Amenities with easy access to facilities and elevator, located on Airport Rd in Naples (a few minutes away from Target)

–Why do I feel lumps and bumps in my body?
90% of people I have seen had these bumps. Sometimes it’s the accumulation of detached fat, sometimes it’s fluid. Any time you are unsure of your signs and symptoms, please, call your doctor – I cannot diagnose. Customers often report to me that they might still feel numb, mild pain, inflammation, burning sensation, etc. When in doubt, call your doctor!

–How long should I use my garment?
It’s completely up to your doctor. Most people I see wear it for at least 3 months, but your plastic surgeon might have different requirements.  

What should I bring with me?
If you are still leaking fluid from incision sites, please, bring a disposable underpad with you.

Prices for Lymphatic Drainage Massage or Post-Operative Massage

• $90 for 1 hr - lymphatic post-surgical massage
• $50 for 30 min  - e-stim for scars only (when lymphatic massage is no longer needed / no swelling)

Lymph package price: Most people prefer to get an average of 6  sessions, so I know many want a package. As of 2-9-2024, here is what other people charge per hour of lymphatic massage: $145, $150, $150, $115, $138, etc. My price is $90 to make it more affordable, so there is no package - just pay this more affordable price as you go. There are no upsales - everything is included, whether it's scar therapy or micro-current therapy (e-stim). Every session is targeted to your specific needs. 

Accepted payment: cash, check, Venmo, credit cards (credit cards have 3% charge).

 If you are still leaking fluid from incision sites, please, bring a disposable underpad with you.

Office address, Business Hours, How to Schedule

I work by appointment only, no walk-ins. 7am-12pm (with occasional exceptions). 

Text me (239) 227-9084 and leave me your full name and exactly what you would like.

Please give me a range of days/times that works for you and we will schedule a session. Please don’t forget your full name and what surgery you had as I don’t answer anonymous inquiries.

My massage therapy and spa office is located in Airport Professional Center in Naples, FL:

3811 Airport Pulling Rd N, Suite 205, Naples, FL 34105

 If you are still leaking fluid from incision sites, please, bring a disposable underpad with you.

Google maps is normally spot on. You can plug in “Healing Multiverse” in Google maps. It’s a yellow building. Only right turn available into the parking lot. It’s the building north of Statefarm building and has a different parking lot, next to Statefarm. Yellow building, NOT statefarm building. 2nd floor, take a left from the elevator.


My therapy helps a lot of people, but it may or may not work for you. The testimonials below show what others have experienced but in no way they guarantee you the same result:

By the way, thanks for the awesome massage today….whatever you did to me it worked! I was back to my old self again with all range of movements without any limitations. I played 1.5 hours of tennis tonight and felt great.

~client after a post-surgical (liposuction) massage

THANK YOU! I can’t believe the range of motion I have today! My arm is tender but I can MOVE!
~FT, dancer

Natalie, thank you so much. I feel so good.. I don’t remember the last time my back felt pain-free. I will happily see you again.
~NP, accountant 

I checked my bionic shoulder again this morning, and it’s still doing a 360 turn more effortlessly and quietly than my real one! Thank you! AND… for months now depending on what shoulder I wake up on in the morning, that arm’s fingers and hand are normally numb. This morning I had none of that!!! Don’t know what you did, but it’s fabulous, you need to do it again.

~CP, scientist 

My massage made me very happy. I am basically a very healthy fit older woman, but have pain in the above area every night … enough to wake me up from sleeping. Since my massage, I have not woken up once because of bad pain. This makes me very happy. It also made me realize that I need to have massages more often. As I told my husband when I walked in the door after the massage and he said, “how was it?”, I found the person that I will get my massages with going forward. I already made my next appointment!! Thank you Natalie!!

~EQAK, artist 

My forearm feels so good today! Thank you, Natalie!!!! I’m really impressed how much better I feel. I may get whole again


She did more for my mid-back in seven minutes than anyone else in two years. I also got […] ton of advice on my posture. It was inspiring to hear someone, “Don’t come back unless you change this and that!” She wasn’t joking.
~D.D. IT Director

Best massage ever! My back hasn’t felt this good in years! I will definitely be a repeat customer.

~Radiology Technologist 

The Bodywork was fantastic, you are a truly gifted healer and I look forward to more work with you in the future. I thought I would never be able to find anyone around here. I am also feeling like much more of myself, and that you def helped me push thru and clear out some energy. I cannot thank you enough!


btw, my neck does not hurt at all. You did some magic. Thank you!!!


I wanted to email you about the outcome of our energy session last Sunday. I have seen a drastic difference since then. First of all, I’ve decided what to do about grad programs for next year. Also, I had a very empowering meeting and I’ve resolved a couple tough issues on cases that were worrying me. I’m still stressed, but my attitude is different. I feel more passionate and alive than I have in a while. Thanks!


feeling grrrreat! thanks natalie, you’re the best!


Natalie gives a wonderful massage, with some excellent life advice on the side! I left her clinic feeling more peaceful and more relaxed than I had in quite a while.

~ medical student 

My shoulder area feels better. I think the session was really helpful! I appreciated that you focused on relaxing the muscles all around the front and back of the shoulders.

~A.A., lawyer 

It was an excellent experience. I did Yoga last night, and this morning my left shoulder felt great, not stiff like normal.


I came in for a prenatal massage due to back pain. Natalie found other areas I was also holding tension and relieved my back pain. I felt so much better after the massage and I will definitely return.

~J.R., Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant 


FL Establishment #MM35253,  NC Massage Therapist License #10434 NCBTMB # 594811-10 Florida Massage License# MA81490

J. R. Ebert et. al. Randomized Trial Investigating the Efficacy of Manual Lymphatic Drainage to Improve Early Outcome After Total Knee Arthroplasty. Arch Phys Med Rehab. Nov. 2013. Vol. 94 (11). pp 2103-11

G. Szolnoky, K. Szendi-Horváth, et. al. Manual Lymph Drainage effectively reduces postoperative facial swelling and discomfort after removal of impacted third molars. Lymphology. September 2007. Vol. 40 (3). pp. 138-142

S. K. Johannsen et. al. Effects of Compression Bandaging With or Without Manual Lymph Drainage Treatment In Patients With Postoperative Arm Lymphedema. Lymph Link. Publ. by National Lymphedema Network. San Francisco, CA. 2000. Vol. 12 (1)

T. Majewski-Schrage, K. Snyder. The Effectiveness of Manual Lymphatic Drainage in Patients with Orthopedic Injuries. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2016. Vol. 25. pp. 91 -97

A. Zimmerman et. al. Efficacy of Manual Lymphatic Drainage in Preventing Secondary Lymphedema after Breast Cancer Surgery. Lymphology. September 2012. Vol. 45 (3). pp. 103 to 112.

ISL executive committee. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Peripheral Lymphedema. Lymphology. 2013. Vol. 46. pp. 1 to 11

S. J. Kim. Effects of Manual Lymph Drainage on Cardiac Autonomic Tone. International Journal of Neuroscience. 2009. Vol. 119. pp. 1105 to 1117

I. Masson, B. de Oliveira, A. Fernanda Perez Machado et. al. Manual lymphatic drainage and therapeutic ultrasound in liposuction and lipoabdominoplasty post-operative period. Indian J Plast Surg. Jan-Apr 2014. Vol. 47 (1). pp. 70–76.

A. F. Williams. Breast and trunk oedema after treatment for breast cancer. Journal of Lymphoedema. 2006. Vol. 1 (1.)

L. Zhang, A. Fan et. al. Combining Manual Lymph Drainage with Physical Exercise after Modified Radical Mastectomy Effectively Prevents Upper Limb Lymphedema. Lymphatic Research and Biology. 2016. Vol. 14 (2).

R. Asplund. Manual Lymph Drainage therapy using light massage for fibromyalgia sufferers: a pilot study. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. 2003. Vol. 7. pp. 192 to 196

G. L. Vario et. al. Systematic review of efficacy for manual lymphatic drainage techniques in sports medicine and rehabilitation: an evidence-based practice approach. J Man Manip Ther. 2009. Vol. 17 (3). pp. 80 to 9.

Y. Takanashi, Y Ogawa et. al. The hybrid approach to treating severe lower extremity lymphoedema. Journal of Lymphoedema. 2018. Vol. 13, No 1