Plenary Speakers

 A short walk within Semigroup Theory

 I will aim at giving an idea of some aspects of Semigroup Theory, that have caught my interest along the years. Semigroups of transformations have inspired the study of different types of abstract semigroups, the most well-known being the symmetric group on a set X, i.e., the set of bijections on X with the composition operation, followed by the symmetric inverse semigroup of all injective partial maps on X. The finite case provides an important bridge between algebra and Theoretical Computer Science. I will talk about congruences and classes of semigroups of various kinds, mentioning questions raised by their study. The regular and the non-regular cases will be considered. 

Short Bio  

" At the University of Lisbon, ULisboa, I obtained the degrees of Bacharelato and of Licenciatura, as well as the title of Agregado in Mathematics. At the University of St Andrews, Scotland, I received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. I am a full professor since 2004 at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, FCUL, where I started my academic career as a tutor. I was a member of the Centro de Algebra, CAUL, since its beginning and I was its Coordinator during many years until it was extinguished. There, I created the research line “Semigroups and Languages”. Now, I am a member of Centro de Matemática Computacional e Estocástica, CEMAT, being responsible for its polo at FCUL, until a year ago. I have belonged to various committees and directive/scientific bodies at ULisboa and at FCUL. Within the scope of the FCT, I am an evaluator of diverse applications. I have also been a member of the A3ES evaluation panel for Mathematics. I am often asked to be a promotion evaluator at various schools, both in Portugal and abroad. I (co-)supervised the academic work of many graduate students, in particular Master's and Doctoral Theses, and have also guided research fellows, post-docs and young researchers. The importance of the international collaboration is indisputable, and in this context, I have carried out internships abroad, promoted the visit of many specialists and organized regular international scientific meetings in areas of the Theories of Semigroups, Automata and Languages, as well as in Computer Algebra.  My research work lies in the field of Semigroup Theory, studying both the structure of specific semigroups and the description of classes of semigroups. I am (co-)author of over 50 papers, with the name Gracinda M. S. Gomes, having developed work in collaboration with colleagues from several Portuguese and foreign universities. I was part of the editorial board of various proceedings and have published the undergraduate book “Anéis e corpos – uma introdução”, Textos de Matemática, DM-FCUL. "

The ODE/IM Conjecture

The Bethe Ansatz Equations (BAE) are the cornerstone of Quantum Integrability. They are a system of coupled polynomial equations, whose order is 2 elevated to the number of degrees of freedom of the model. For an Integrable Quantum Field Theory, the BAE are thus a formidable infinite system of nonlinear transcendental equations. It was however discovered that some solutions can be expressed as spectral determinants of certain linear differential operators. Whether all solutions admit such a representation is called the ODE/IM correspondence conjecture. For one important Quantum Field Theory known as the Quantum KdV model, the ODE/IM conjecture has been almost completely proven and I will present the main ideas beyond the proof. I will also explain that the ODE/IM correspondence is a manifestation of a general very deep and still unknown duality, which is still up for grabs. 

Short Bio  

"I do mathematical physics and I have published about twenty papers, mostly on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems. I like to solve complicated problems and my main tool of analysis is the study of linear ODEs in the complex plane. This is a classical topic, originated in the works of Gauss, Riemann, Weierstrass and Hilbert, that never ceases to surprise and fascinate me! I like to collaborate with early-stage-researchers and at the moment I supervise a PhD student."

Statistical methods for random shapes. Case studies in life sciences and industrial problems.

Thanks to the development of information technologies, the last decades have seen a considerable growth of interest in the statistical theory of shape and its application to many and diverse scientific areas. Often the diagnosis of a pathology, or the description of a biological process mainly depend on the shapes present in images of cells, organs, biological systems, etc., and mathematical models which relate the main features of these shapes with the correct outcome of the diagnosis, or with the main kinetic parameters of a biological system are difficult to be retrieved.  In materials science optimization for quality control require methods of statistical shape analysis.  From the mathematical point of view, shape analysis uses a variety of mathematical tools from differential geometry, geometric measure theory, stochastic geometry, etc. Quite recently, instruments from algebraic topology have been introduced for shape description, giving rise to a new field of research called Topological Data Analysis, which is also proving useful to develop techniques of so called “explainable machine learning”, which are more transparent and interpretable of the traditional machine learning techniques.  In this talk some case studies will be presented, in which different statistical methods for random shapes are applied to solve problems coming from life sciences or from industrial applications.  Particular focus will be given to projects developed in collaboration with the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI). 

Short Bio  

Alessandra Micheletti is Associate Professor of Probability and Mathematical Statistics at the Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. She got a PhD in computational mathematics, she is vice-president of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, member of the Data Science Research Center of University of Milan and coordinator of the H2020 MSCA project BIGMATH- “Big data challenges for Mathematics”. She is managing editor of the Journal of Mathematics in Industry and guest editor of a special issue entitled “Mathematical models of the spread and consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics. Effects on health, society, industry, economics and technology.” Her main research interests are in the field of Statistics and Topological Data Analysis applied to industrial and life sciences problems. 

Cardiovascular Mathematics: modeling and clinical applications 

Mathematical modeling and simulations of the human cardiovascular system is a challenging and complex wide-range multidisciplinary research topic that has seen a remarkable growth in the last few years. This field, with a strong socio-economic impact, is rapidly progressing motivated by the fact that cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of morbidity and death worldwide. In this talk we will consider some mathematical models and simulations of the cardiovascular system and comment on their significance to yield realistic and accurate numerical results, using stable, reliable and efficient computational methods. Results on the simulation of some image-based patient-specific clinical cases will also be presented.  Working in Cardiovascular Mathematics is a very pleasant experience as one has the opportunity to join theory and practice with the final aim of improving healthcare. 

Short Bio  

 "I am Professor of Mathematics at the IST (Instituto Superior Técnico), Universidade de Lisboa, retired in March 2021. I was Director of the Research Centre for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics — CEMAT/IST-ULisboa (2017–2021) and I am the Scientific Coordinator of CEMAT’s Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine Research Group (since 2010). In 1981, I completed my PhD in Numerical Analysis (thèse de 3ème cycle) from École Polytechnique Paris, in France and in 1985 my PhD in Mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences of Universidade de Lisboa. I obtained a further degree (Habilitation) in Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis from IST in January 2001. I was awarded First Prize for the UTL/Santander Totta Scientific Awards for my research in the area of Pure and Applied Mathematics in 2010 and I received the Medal of Merit of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, in 2011. In November 2018, I was elected as a corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, Class of Science. Currently, my research interests are in the area of cardiovascular mathematical modeling and simulations of closely connected problems of clinical relevance associated with vascular diseases, namely: patient-specific cerebral aneurysms progression and biomechanical and biochemical actions in blood vessels, with application to thrombosis and atherosclerosis processes." She also has a research interest in mathematical and computational fluid dynamics, with a particular focus on viscoelastic non-Newtonian fluids, hemorheology and hemodynamics studies.

Frontiers of Natural Language Processing

 In recent years we saw a steady progress in almost every classic NLP task yet as  the models become more flexible, versatile and expressive new frontiers arise. More minute and intricate tasks such as textual style transfer, narrative generation and better common sense reasoning are getting into focus of researchers. In the talk we overview several research topics paying special attention to computational creativity, theory of semantic information and effectiveness of long context representations. We will also discuss how modern NLP models are applied in modern financial markets. 

Short Bio  

 Ivan Yamshchikov, Dr.rer.nat. summa cum laude (BTU, Germany), is associate professor at Higher School of Economics (HSE University), St. Petersburg, Russia. Ivan worked as an analyst at Yandex for six years, was an artificial intelligence evangelist at ABBYY for three years, and a post-doc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig for four years. Now Ivan heads the LEYA Natural Language Laboratory, co-founded by Yandeх and Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. Ivan is a visiting associate professor at ISEG and strategic director of SkillFactory. Together with Alexey Tikhonov, Ivan created Creaited Labs D a side project on the intersection of generative models and art.