滿山春色  Man Shan Chun Se

2022 蘭里民俗舞者舞蹈
2022 Langley Folk Dancer Dances

(最後更新  Last update: 2022-12-17)

註  Note:
Partial videos are for registered members only

註解  Note:

單/圓  S/C:單人/圓圈  Single/Circle       單/行  S/L:單人/行列  Single/Line

雙/圓  P/C:雙人/圓圈   Partner/Circle    雙/行  P/L:雙人/行列  Partner/Line

混/圓  M/C:混合/圓圈  Mixer/Circle       混/方  M/S:混合/方塊  Mixer/Square

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