Yuanyuan Year-end Potluck
(December 28, 2023)

Yuanyuan Folk Dancers Routine Activity

日期  Date:  2024-07-04  (星期四  Thursday)
時間  Time:  10:30am - 12:00pm
地點  Venue:  私人場所  Private venue
地址  Address:  請聯繫蘭緣民俗舞者   Please contact LYIFD members
注意  Note:
1. 可選擇戴口罩上課
  Options to wear face mask
2. 如覺身體不適 請在家休息
Please stay at home if you feel illness

舞序  (定案)
Dances List  (Final)
(最後更新  Last update: 2024-06-29)

A. 本週教舞  Dance teach this week:無   NIl

B. 複習舞蹈  Dances review:

C. 本週舞蹈  This Week Dances:
*** 以下舞蹈只跳不教  No teaching on below dances ***

註  Note:

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