
What is Lydian?

Lydian is a currency converter and calculator that displays the foreign exchange rates of world currencies, Bitcoin, and some valuable materials, including gold and silver.

You can see foreign exchange rates, and you can calculate the value of any amount in the selected base currency in many target currencies.

Tip: Swipe-to-right in the "Favorites" screen to quickly switch base currency with any target currency.

Lydian is a free, indie app, it does not show any advertisements, and it does not collect any data. Use it with peace of mind.

Lydian is a free app, shows no advertisements.

Available on the App store!

Lydian is built by E. Harman, an indie software developer.

Feel free to send an email to the developer for any feedback or support request:
ert at harman dot page

Privacy Policy

Lydian has a simple privacy policy: It does not collect any data. Use it with peace of mind. :)