Shared Reading Site
Shared Reader Information
Shared Reading Lessons in Reception and Year 1
We want our children to be fluent readers, so shared reading sessions are to teach children how to read (using their phonic knowledge to date) and to model fluency in reading.
It is important that children can apply their phonic skills to reading. Children have a daily reading session in school, based on the phonic skills they have been taught. We use fully decodable texts to give children opportunity to use their new skills. We also give children the opportunity to discuss higher tier vocab, to ensure children understand what they are reading.
We have included two versions of each book. One allows you and your child to read the text independently whilst the second version links to vimeo and reads the book aloud. The green and red words link to our work in Phonics.
The green words are decodable and can be sounded out. When reading the red words, read them as a whole word saying the letter names to spell the word. In school, children are also encoraged to clap as they say each letter and then say the word as a whole.
There are some questions and discussion points at the back of the book to help guide your conversations.
How you can help at home
As well as reading the words, it is very important to spend time discussing the text and asking your child questions. It is also very helpful for you to read a line and encourage your child to echo your reading as this will help them on their journey to becoming fluent readers. It is also important to reread texts as it promotes greater reading fluency, accuracy in reading, whilst also supporting deeper comprehension of the text and confidence in reading.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come in to school and talk to the class teacher or Mrs Bayes, Deputy Headteacher.