VIII Leopoldo García-Colín Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics

Magnetic Aspects of the Universe

El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City

October 23-27 2023

Leopoldo García-Colín Scherer (1930-2012)

Plenary Speakers

Pablo Laguna  (UT Austin)

Deirdre Shoemaker  (UT Austin)

Claus Laemmerzahl (ZARM, University of Bremen)

Omar López-Cruz (INAOE)

Eugen Radu (University of Aveiro)

 Volker Perlick (ZARM, University of Bremen)

Axel de la Macorra (IF-UNAM)

Juan Carlos Hidalgo (ICF-UNAM)

Mariana Vargas (IF-UNAM)

Roberto Sussman  (ICN-UNAM)

Guest Speakers

 Luis Ureña (UG)

Nora Bretón (DF-CINVESTAV)

Abril Suárez (A-State)

Elías Castellanos (TEC-CEM)

 Josué de Santiago (DF-CINVESTAV)

 Mehrab Momennia (IF-BUAP)

César Simón López (UAM-A)

Vladimir Manko (CINVESTAV)

Mariano Chernicoff  (FC-UNAM)

David Vergara (ICN-UNAM)

Luis A. Hernández Rosas (DF-UAM-I)

Guillermo Chacón (UAM-C)

Jorge Cervantes (ININ)

 Luisa Jaime Patiño (FC-UNAM)

Francisco S. Guzmán (UMSNH)

Daniela Magos (IFIMAR)

Miguel García-Aspeitia (UIA)

Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz (BUAP)

Heino Falcke

Radboud University Nijmegen

Gravitational pair production and Hawking radiation

 We present a new avenue to black hole evaporation using a heat-kernel approach analogous as for the Schwinger effect. Applying this method to an uncharged massless scalar field in a Schwarzschild spacetime, we show that spacetime curvature takes a similar role as the electric field strength in the Schwinger effect. We interpret our results as local pair production in a gravitational field and derive a radial production profile. The resulting emission peaks near the unstable photon orbit. Comparing the particle number and energy flux to the Hawking case, we find both effects to be of similar order. However, our pair production mechanism itself does not explicitly make use of the presence of a black hole event horizon. This could imply that all objects, not just black holes, will eventually decay.

Remo Ruffini


Discovery of energy extraction by discrete "Black-Holic" quanta from a Kerr Black Hole in GRB 190114C

