

Instituto Alexander Von Humboldt

Awarded National Distinction "Andrés Bello"

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

BS in Computer Science and Mathematics. CLASS OF 2022

University of Washington

Mathematics PhD Student


Central American and Caribbean Mathematics Olympiad 2015 | Bronze medal

Iberoamerican Mathematics Olympiad 2016 | Honorable mention

International Mathematics Olympiad 2017 | Honorable mention

Iberoamerican Mathematics Olympiad 2017 | Bronze medal

International Mathematics Olympiad 2018 | Honorable mention


Fundamentals of Programming (MIT 6.1010, former 6.009) Lab Assistant | Spring 2019 - Spring 2020

Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Tutor for Fundamentals of Programming | Fall 2019

Math Learning Center Tutor | Fall 2019

Mathematics for Computer Science (MIT 6.1200, former 6.042) Teaching Assistant | Spring 2020

Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Tutor for Mathematics for Computer Science | Spring 2020

Mathematics for Computer Science  (MIT 6.1200, former 6.042) Grader | Spring 2022

UW MATH 124 | Teaching Assistant | Fall 2023

UW MATH 124 | Teaching Assistant | Winter 2024

UW MATH 126 | Teaching Assistant | Fall 2024


Research works

Digraphs with exactly one Eulerian tour | 2022 | Luz Grisales, Antoine Labelle, Rodrigo Posada, Stoyan Dimitrov

We give two combinatorial proofs to the formula for the umber of diagraphs with exactly one Eulerian tour. This work was the result of a remote collaboration in summer 2020 under the supervision of Stoyan Dimitrov.

Alexander Invariants of 2-knots from triplane diagrams (Unfinished) | 2021 | Ethan Clelland, Calvin Godfrey, Alexandra Emmons, Luz Grisales, and William E. Olsen

This work was done during the UVA Topology REU of 2021. We used the trisection data of a bridge trisected 2-knot to compute Alexander invariants, and also developed an implementation of our results on Sage.

Expository works

The awakening of incidence geometry: On the master theorem connecting incidences and tilings | 2024 | Luz Grisales

A report on the paper "Incidences and Tilings" of Segei Fomin and Pavlo Pylyavskyy.  Introducing a theorem that allows to associate quadrilateral tilings of a surface to incidence theorems yielding a new way to prove well-known theorems such Pappus and Desargues as well as a new way to synthesize new ones. 

Three approaches for counting spanning trees in a K_n that can be applied in a K_{m,n} | 2021 | Luz Grisales

Three popular proofs of Caley's formula and insights on how the strategies used can be borrowed to count the number of spanning trees of a K_{m,n}.

Other works

Solutions to "Bijective proof problems" by Richard Stanley | Stoyan Dimitrov, Luz Grisales, Rodrigo Posada

Compilation of solutions and references to solutions for more than 150 problems in the Richard Stanley’s list of bijective proof problems.

Material I've enjoyed

This section is a bit lacking right now, as I built this website not long ago, and I still don't know enough math. I'm hoping that with time it will become a good demonstration of the kind of math that I like :)

18.900: Geometry and Topology in the plane - Lecture Notes Spring 2020

I'm not allowed to share these notes, but I truly loved every single topic in this class, which included scissors congruencies, Pick's theorem, the shoelace formula, the winding numbers, the free homotopy class, the phase space, the linking number, immersed loops, the rotation number, Arnold invariants, algebraic curves, and triangulations.

Fast Fourier Transform - 6.046 Lecture Notes 2015

I personally loved how a concept such as the roots of unity was used to improve the runtime of polynomial multiplication!

Cubic Graphs Induced by Bridge Trisections

The Knot Book | 1994 | Colin Adams

I read this book as part of MIT's Math Department's Directed Reading Program and I was really drawn by all the knot invariants discussed!

Tilings | 2005 | Federico Ardila and Richard Stanley

Thanks for reading!