About me
Hello... it's me ;)
I'm Luz Elena and this is my website! I'm a Colombian mathematician with a lot of interests. Academically, I'm very inclined towards theoretical computer science, geometry, and combinatorics, though I also pick interests in a lot of other topics. Non-academically, I love food. Without any doubt, food is the category in which I spend the most money... by far. I love to go to restaurants to try new environments and flavors. I also love trying new recipes at home and find a lot of pleasure in giving my body all the nutrients it needs. In general, I love trying out new things and going out on adventures. A good roller coaster and/or swing always makes me happy, just like dancing, singing, and stargazing.
Contact info
Pronouns: she/her
Email: luzelenag123@gmail.com (best way to reach me!)
Phone number: I'd rather not put it here because I rarely answer phone calls...
Whatsapp: (+57) 320-590-7934
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luz-elena-grisales/
Currently in: Seattle, WA (last updated Oct 22nd, 2023)