Welcome to the Neuroscience Society at the University of Leeds! In the Neuroscience Society, members will be provided with a platform to discuss and experience all things neuroscience from neurons to human behaviour. We are an academic society that strives to examine and discuss recent research and discoveries traversing topics in neuroanatomy, neurotechnology, translational neuroscience, computational neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, quantum neurobiology and related fields.

With our vision of educating our budding neuroscientists about the wonders of the brain, we organize talks from active neuroscientists and PhD students that will be keen to discuss your neuroscience queries! We host workshops, symposia, neuroscience fairs, poster presentations, parties and more thrilling events. By joining Neural Networks, you can network and make friends with other people who share an alike infatuation with the brain. Although our board has events planned out, a community wouldn't be a community if we weren't unfailingly liaising with prospective members and listening to what you would like for us to do!

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience, we invite all students, regardless of their academic background, to join our community for free!

Please send all queries here: neuralnetworksluu@gmail.com

Our committee currently consists of undergraduate neuroscience and biomedical students. If you want to be a part of our committee, send us an e-mail. We are always welcoming new committee members who want to support our scientific community!

Thank you for being interested in sharing your research! In the Speakers Tab, you will find more information on what to expect from giving a talk at one of our events. 

We all like to read about cutting-edge research and novel approaches to unravelling the mysteries of the human brain. But not many have the time (or willpower) to read through research articles every day. So if you find something particularly interesting write a brief summary to enlighten your colleagues. 

We organise a wide array of events, from neuroscience-themed movie nights to academic talks and some social events too! Check our Events tab to learn more!

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