Willy Wiedmann, the creator of the worldwide unique "Wiedmann Bible", worked for 16 years to reproduce the entire Bible in his pictures. He designed the complete Old and New Testaments in the polycon style he developed himself. The complete work is available in two voluminous and highly priced volumes from the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.

Excerpts from this work, which consists of 19 Leporello books with a total of 3,333 images in a total length of 1.17 km, we now present in a low-priced edition of the Luther Bible. This contains a selection of Willy Wiedmann's pictures on 36 color pages and will delight art lovers, collectors and friends of high-quality Bible editions. This "small" Wiedmann Bible also contains a family chronicle and is therefore also very suitable as a valuable wedding bible for marriages.

A new artist's Bible - with the pictures of Willy Wiedmann After Chagall, Drer, Michelangelo and Rembrandt: The Wiedmann Bible as an artist's edition!

Binding: hardcover

Number of pages: 1536

Publication date: 21.09.2020

Language: German

ISBN: 978-3-438-03353-6

Dimensions (L/W): 22/14,3 cm

Edition: 1st edition, new edition

Illustrator: Willy Wiedmann

Translator: Martin Luther

Sales Rank: 46180

Luther was born on 10 November 1483 in Eisleben, Thringen. In 1501 he went to the University of Erfurt. He received a Master of Arts degree in 1506. Later on he studied theology at Wittenberg, and then in 1511 Luther became a professor there. Later, Luther struggled against the papacy and thusly changed the feelings of the German people toward religion.After Luther was excommunicated in 1521, he translated the Bible. Luther's translation of the New Testament was printed in 1522. He used common German and not scientific or learned German. Luther created his translation from Latin, Greek, and Hebrew versions of the Bible. He used a form the Middle German dialect, in particular drawing from the dialect used by the royal Saxon court. The German found in Luther's bible is mostly from eastern Germany. Sometimes, "Bible German" had grammatical and orthographic elements of upland German.In the 16th century, many people were poor, but more and more could read books than in the past. Mostly, people read farces and chapbooks, but they also read religious texts. These texts were not from the Bible, but rather books for personal edification. By this time, the printing press had already been invented. The printing press was very important for common people, because there were finally books that everyone could read. These books were also very quickly printed. Further, during this period, the bourgeoisie became bigger and more powerful. When Luther translated the Bible, the bourgeoisie was able to read the Bible. No one had to rely only on the priests again.

Luther Bible

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