Coloring Contest

Are you an artist or just love coloring? Unleash your creative side and enter our coloring contest for a chance to win a prize! Find the picture in your age group, print it, and get coloring! If you don't have a printer go to your local library and pick up one of the coloring pages! When you're done, drop off the coloring to your local library by May 10th to be entered into the coloring contest! Ages 11 and up are welcome to submit a drawing or art piece of your choice to be entered into a separate competition! Voting will take place on the day of the fundraiser! 

Be sure to put your name, age and contact information on the BACK of your picture!  

Ages 7-10

Colouring Contest (7-10)2

Ages 3-6

Coloring Contest (3-6)2

Ages 7-10

Colouring Contest (7-10)1

Ages 3-6

Coloring Contest (3-6)1