Work in Progress

“Wedging and Binding: Beijing’s Bifurcated Approach toward Russia in China’s Territorial Disputes with India and Vietnam” (working paper)

“Deterrence, Compellence, and a Mechanism of Integrated Coercion: Explaining China’s Escalation Strategies in Maritime Disputes” (working paper).

“Hong Kong’s Baodiao Movement (1971-2012): The Intersection of National Interests and Local Politics” (working paper).

China’s North Korea Policy in the Post-Cold War Era” (in progress), with Inhwan Oh.

“Turning the Table on Beijing: How the Mechanisms of Tying Hands, Sunk Costs, and Entanglement Translate Chinese Economic Statecraft into Hosting Countries’ Bargaining Power with China” (in progress).

“What After? China in the Arctic in the Shadow of the War in Ukraine” (in progress).

Taiwans Maritime Disputes and Cross-Strait Politics (in progress).