
Here you can learn a bit more on how to make you make a better habitat for insects:

Log Piles!

There are a lot of insects that have been ousted from their natural habitat. especially with modern agricultural processes, habitats that would once be lush forests are now monocultures with little there for the original inhabitants. If you want to do something fun that will help out insects species that thrive on dead wood, then you can make a log pile! There is a Citizen Science project in the UK that is oriented around making and mapping these structures. Here is a link if you want to make one yourself:


Even if you aren't a naturalist, you can still go out and document all the amazing life that is around you. The best way to do this is to use a website (that can be downloaded as an app) called iNaturalist. On this site, you can take pictures of all the interesting plants and animals that are around you, and even if you don't know what it is, other users will go through and identify it for you.