Welcome! 你好

Email:   lmzhao22 [at] m.fudan.edu.cn / lumingzhao [at] pku.edu.cn 

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Communication at Fudan University, working under the supervision of Prof. Baohua Zhou.

My research interests lie in emerging media and human interactions, including their social impacts and psychological well-being. My peer reviewed publications have appeared in journals such as Telematics and Informatics, Convergence, JMIR, Discourse Context & Media, International Journal of Communication, Sage Open, Journalism Practice.

Forthcoming: Journalism, International Communication Gazette.

I am also a senior information visualization designer and data journalist in China. My coverage has been cited in The Times, BBC, New York Times, The Economist, etc. I founded a company to support visualized insights and public relations services for Chinese platform companies.

I am an adjunct lecturer at Shanghai International Studies University (Spring 2022- present). 

Previously, I earned a MA in Financial Media (2022) from Peking University HSBC Business School.

I currently live in Shanghai, China.

Shanghai, China, 2023

Selected Paper

[1] Yu, S., & Zhao, L*. (2023). Emojifying chatbot interactions: An exploration of emoji utilization in human-chatbot communications. Telematics and Informatics, 102071. 

[2] Zhao, L., & Ye, W. (2022). Visualization as infrastructure: China’s data visualization politics during COVID-19 and their implications for public health emergencies. Convergence, 28(1), 13-34. 

[3] Zhao, L., Peng, J., & Yu, S. (2023). Sustainable Luxury and Consumer Purchase Intention: A Systematic Literature Review. SAGE Open, 13(4), 21582440231216285.

[4] Zhao, L., & Ye, W. (2023). Making Laughter: How Chinese Official Media Produce News on the Douyin (TikTok). Journalism Practice, 1-25.

[5] Zhao, L., Peng, J. (2022). The Platformization of Chinese Official Media: The Case of Newspaper X. In Zhang, S. I. (ed.) Digital Journalism in China (pp. 74-85). Routledge.

[6] Ye, W., & Zhao, L*. (2023). “I know it's sensitive”: Internet censorship, recoding, and the sensitive word culture in China. Discourse, Context & Media, 51, 100666. 

[7] Yu, S., & Zhao, L. (2022). Designing Emotions for Health Care Chatbots: Text-Based or Icon-Based Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(12), e39573.

[8] Ye, W., & Zhao, L. (2024). Knowledge Workers of the Digital World, Unite! Knowledge Workers' Workplace Surveillance and Hidden Transcript in China. International Journal of CommunicationIn Press.

[9] 彭嘉熙 & 赵鹿鸣.(2023).积极式干预与生态式治理:社交媒体使用改善幸福感的实践回顾与理论前瞻. 新闻界(07),64-74.

[10] 王冠群 & 赵鹿鸣.(2023).与算法为友:平台创意劳动者的算法情感与战术实践. 当代传播(03),92-97+102. 

[11] 申琦 & 赵鹿鸣.(2018).审慎前行:美国数据新闻人才培养现状研究——基于美国新闻和大众传播教育认证委员会(ACEJMC)100所新闻院校的实证分析. 新闻记者(02),39-45.

[12] 申琦 & 赵鹿鸣.(2017).管窥百年普利策:基于普利策新闻奖嘉奖辞的词频分析(1917-2016). 国际新闻界(12),88-105.