Lakeview United Methodist Church April, 2022 Newsletter

Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch

Lakeview United Methodist Church email:

Pastor: Kerry Bart C: (610)304-5437

A message from Pastor Kerry...

I don’t know if you’ve heard the news, but Jesus of Nazareth, teacher and healer, was killed by crucifixion, and a few days later his tomb was found empty, and there were numerous reportings of people who saw him alive again! He even appeared to a gathering of hundreds of people. This testimony is true, and we now claim that this Jesus is the Savior, the Messiah, the Christ, the very Son of God, and that there is life and hope and renewal and reconciliation and forgiveness in him.

It is remarkable and it is true, and the truth of the event still has power, 2,000 years after the fact.

Some people thrill about the coming of warmer and brighter days, birds and flowers and the re-greening of the earth, and it is right and good to thrill about these things. AND, these things don’t hold a candle to the joy of Jesus’ resurrection and its blessings. How good it is to remember and to re-experience the renewal of life that God gives.

And just like when you find a recipe or a book or a movie that you like, and you tell people about it, we tell people about the security and joy we have because of our Lord. Whatever stumbling blocks life may present, whatever diseases or disasters, we know that God gets the last word, and we belong to him.

It’s the season of Easter, and we say “Hallelujah” (praise ye the Lord) to our God. Hallelujah!

The smaller adult Sunday School class is beginning to meet at church again, at 9:00AM, on Sundays, in the rocking chairs in the nursery. We're reading and discussing Mitch Albom's (author of the five people you meet in heaven) book The Stranger in the Lifeboat. Part of a chapter is read out loud and then discussed each Sunday. We focus discussion on trying to get a better understanding of the Bible and how to be the best Christian we want to be in today's world. You're invited to join!

Plan on eating your Wednesday supper at church, starting April 27!

If you need your Simple Supper delivered, please call or text Karen (304.610.2230), Kathi (304.932.9011), or Pastor Kerry (610.304.5437)

We have volunteer drivers ready to help.

Would you be willing to help with a Simple Supper? Could you make a crockpot of soup for one Wednesday evening? We need you! People serving others.... Please call Kathi or Karen and volunteer. Thanks!

Shared by PK

Shared by PK

PK's Scripture Reading Invitation:

I find it energizing to know others are reading the same thing I am; the point being read Scripture. The invitation for you to join me in reading continues:

4/20 - Isaiah 48 4/21 - Isaiah 49 4/22 - Isaiah 50

4/23 - Isaiah 51 4/24 - Isaiah 52

Lakeview Administrative Council Minutes

April 12, 2022

Opening: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Bud Newbrough and opened with prayer.

Present: Pastor Kerry, Bud Newbrough, Dick Thompson, Linda Thompson, Wayne Kersey, Marilyn Morton, Deborah Rowe

Trustees - Dicky Thompson

• Mowing is scheduled for the year with a majority to be completed by Chris Davis, paid for by an anonymous donation.

• Dicky announced that he would like to retire from his Trustee’s position soon. He will leave it to the Administrative Council to find his replacement.

Treasurer’s Report - Bud Newbrough for Jeff Ekstrom

All bills have been paid. It was noted that $1,106.00 has been collected the month for UMCOR (Ukraine). Motion was made(Wayne/Marilyn) to accept the Treasurer’s report and was unanimously approved.

Parsonage - Marilyn Morton

• Nothing new to report.

PS/PRC - Wayne Kersey

At the last SPRC meeting the following was discussed:

• Barb Smith, Don Griffith and Wayne handled the service while PK was out of town due to a death in the family

• On March 27 and April 3rd there will be visiting pastors.

• PK will be on vacation August 7.

• PK’s Lenten worship video was first in SAMA’s production.

• When is the Walk For Hunger? PK to find out. Wayne is going to a meeting at Christ’s Kitchen on Thursday.

• PK replaced the wifi router.

• Carol Fry’s great-granddaughter was baptized.

• June 10-12 is Annual Conference.

Pastor’s Report - Pastor Kerry

• PK discovered a water pipe leak in the ladies restroom on Sunday. John McCormick came and placed a bucket under the leak. This still needs to be repaired.

• PK is scheduled to be out on June 12 for Annual Conference and August 7 for a family vacation.

• The Palm Sunday, Walk With Jesus was a huge success, due to the efforts of 20 or more volunteers. Thank you to all who made this happen! The Walk With Jesus was attended by 40 or more people from both churches and the neighborhood.

• PK is to reschedule the finance meeting scheduled this week, so it won’t be on Maundy Thursday.

• PK made postcards with Easter dates and QR codes with a link to PK’s blog.

• The next Administrative Board meeting is scheduled for May 10.

Minutes - Pastor Kerry for Deborah Rowe

The March minutes were graciously taken and typed by PK in Debbie’s absence. [Thanks PK!]


The meeting was adjourned with Prayer by Pastor Kerry at 7:35.

Minutes Submitted by: Deborah Rowe