About me

In October 2023, I started my PhD position in the operator algebras and non-commutative geometry group at the university of Münster. My supervisors are Kristin Courtney (University of Southern Denmark, Odense) and Wilhelm Winter (University of Münster). I am a member of the Cluster of excellence “Mathematics Münster: Dynamics- Geometry- Structure" and the Mathematics Münster Graduate school.  

You can find the latest version of my CV  here(last updated 05/2024)

Research interests

One of my main interests in C*-algebras are Cartan subalgebras and C*-diagonals. In my master thesis "On C*-diagonals", which was supervised by Wilhelm Winter, we started a purely C*-algebraic and rather explicit construction of a C*-diagonal in the Jiang-Su algebra. We aim to continue the work on this project and hope to publish our ideas soon. I am also interested in exploring the concepts of CPC*- and  C*-encoding systems, which are based on recent work by Kristin Courtney and Wilhelm Winter.