

  • Excellence scholarships by the University of Vienna for the academic years 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17.

  • Qualifying Hausdorff Scholarship by the Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics. (Duration: 10.2017 - 09.2019)

Selected Talks

  • 05.2017 - Vienna-Linz-Workshop in Reifnitz am Wörthersee ("Relations between injectivity and surjectivity of polynomial maps")

  • 09.2018 - Conference on Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie, MPIM Bonn ("A local-global principle for surjective polynomial maps", 2-min-talk)

  • 10.2018 - Oberseminar analytic number theory, University of Göttingen ("A local-global principle for surjective polynomial maps")

  • 10.2018 - University of Regensburg ("Igusa's local zeta function and surjective polynomial maps")

  • 12.2018 - Number Theory Seminar, University of Vienna ("Local invariants of algebraic varieties")


09.2018 - Conference on Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie, MPIM Bonn


  • In my earlier life, I used to play the piano.

  • I am qualified to coach goalkeepers of soccer teams playing in Austrian amateur divisions.