About Me

FIRST Robotics

This year, I became part of FIRST Robotics. FIRST stands for "For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology" and is a yearly robotics event and competition. I was lucky enough to be part of FRC Team 980 ThunderBots and work hands-on with the technology and tools used to make the competition robot and the robot itself. I work mainly in the fabrication of the robot parts and assembly of the robot itself. Below is shown the robot itself and the group at a competition, of which I am shown in the middle in red.

Coding Club

Coding club is a club for those either interested in coding for the first time, or long time coders looking to join events and be with other coders like them. I am the Event Coordinator for the club and am responsible for finding hackathons and coding events in general. An example of an event attended by the club is Make SPP, which was a student lead hackathon for coders of all levels. (add congressional app challenge)

Key Club

Key club is a club made by Kiwanis International whose focus is helping the lives of children around the world by creating and funding clubs all around the country. My part in key club has been participating in some events they provide us members and gain service hours. I have gained over 50 service hours with key club so far.

Raytheon Internship

Raytheon is an engineering company specializing in aerospace and defense. NAF provided the opportunity to intern with the staff of Raytheon online because of the pandemic. I meet with other engineers in the community as well as worked on a project for the staff of Raytheon. I did so working closely with a mentor who was an experienced engineer. Overall, I was able to learn a lot from people who have a large amount of experience working in the field I would like to pursue in the future.

Photo of our robot at the competition venue.

Photo of team 980 at our first robotics competition.