
About Game

Features :

Play Online or Offline

Common Features :

1. Minimum 2 players are required to play game.

2. There is a fixed timer for player to make move. After timeout, move is passed on to next player.

3. Player can be either manual or auto.

Online Mode:

1. Player need to either login/signup or play as guest.

2. Player can start a new game as owner or join any live game.

3. Owner can set game type - public (anyone can join) or private (only invited players can join).

4. Owner can select her/his position.

5. Owner can invite others to play game or can add auto players to game.

6. In Online game, 3 consecutive timeout will lead to player\'s exit.

Offline Mode:

All players can be set as manual and/or Auto

Rules :

General Rules

1. Minimum 2 and maximum 4 players can play together.

2. Each player plays from one colored square.

3. Each player has four coins to start with.

4. Each player has to get all of 4 coins to home before other player coins to win.

Rolling Dice

1. Touch dice to roll. Outcome will be between 1 - 6.

2. If outcome is six, player gets a chance to roll dice again.

3. On 3 consecutive sixes, move is passed on to next player.

Moving Coin

1. Coin can only be opened only when dice outcomes has a six.

2. Player can use any of the outcome to move eligible coin

3. If there are no valid moves, next player makes move

4. If a coin lands on opponent\'s coin, opponent\'s coin move back to initial position and current player is rewarded a roll.

5. If a coin is on station, it can\'t be captured.


1. Each player has fixed time to make move.

2. After timeout, move is passed to next player.

About :

Designed and developed by Vipul Kumar

Suggestions to modify game are appreciated

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