About Me

Sparkle, Twinkle & Shine

Hi! I’m Lucky. I was born and natured in Bangladesh. I always thought my dream was to be an Aircraft Engineer for a renowned company. It seemed like an appropriate dream given my BE in Aeronautical Engineering. And that's when it happened; the spark I was missing ignited the instant I got an offer to study in Aeronautical Engineering. As a result, now I’m a final-year undergrad student at Nanchang Hangkong University's Department of Aeronautical Engineering (NCHU).

I am just an enthusiastic scientific student. As an Enthusiastic graduate, I am eager to contribute to team success through proven success in hard work, attention to detail, teamwork and excellent organizational skills. Clear training and understanding of undergraduate courses and software's, used during undergraduate study. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in Aerospace Industry. I feel that perhaps learning or conducting good research may assist individuals to acquire knowledge.