Lucent Vision is all about you. With an office environment that looks and feels like a spa for a relaxed experience, our surgical plans and techniques are tailored to meet your daily visual needs. Your time is valuable, and that’s why our office schedule is built to limit wait times and to allow the doctor to spend ample time with you. Lucent offers LASIK, Refractive Lens Exchange, Refractive Cataract Surgery, and treatment for Glaucoma, Keratoconus, and Pterygium.

Cataract Surgery Long Beach

Cataract Surgery

A cataract is a common disorder of the eye that is characterized by a clouding of the natural lens inside of your eye. Cataracts can occur in either one or both eyes. This clouding of the lens leads to blurry vision. Without treatment, cataracts may progress and cause difficulty with activities such as reading, watching television, and driving. There are no eye drops or oral medications that reverse the vision loss caused by cataracts. The only effective and permanent treatment for cataracts is the surgical removal of the cataract. Cataract Surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the United States.

Dr. Nimesh Pathak, a board-certified ophthalmologist and refractive surgeon, has helped thousands of people to see more clearly with Cataract Surgery, LASIK laser vision correction, Glaucoma treatments, and vision correction treatments for several other eye conditions. Our mission at Lucent Vision in Long Beach, California, is to deliver the benefits of clear vision to our patients with a personalized experience. We are the Cataract Surgery experts in Long Beach and your go-to eye doctor. Our 5-star team will guide you through your journey to better vision by answering all of your questions and making you feel at ease with the eye surgery process. Call or text us right away if you’re interested in learning more about cataract surgery or to request an appointment for a cataract consultation by following this link here.

Benefits of Cataract Surgery at Lucent Vision

Quick and painless procedure.

Eliminate cloudy vision and improve night vision.

Reduce dependence on reading glasses and bifocals.

Cutting-edge technology that delivers consistently excellent results.

Surgeon and staff with over 10 years of experience.

“I had struggled with my vision for a long time. I found the staff at Lucent Vision to be very friendly, attentive, and caring. My cataract surgery was a quick and painless procedure in both eyes. My results are unbelievable. I can see clearly! I can read, work on my computer, and ride my bike. All without glasses.”

– Carol

Why Choose Lucent Vision for your Cataract Surgery?

Dr. Pathak is trained in the safest and most advanced techniques to provide you with a rapid recovery and an excellent visual outcome. At Lucent Vision, your surgeon will personally take the time to understand your unique visual needs. During your comprehensive eye examination, our team will explain all of your cataract surgery options, and a customized surgical plan will be selected for you.

You should choose Lucent Vision because we offer advanced technology, a surgeon with over ten years of experience in premium cataract surgery, and a team that is dedicated to making sure you have a smooth experience.

Our advanced technology for cataract surgery includes:

Toric lens implant for astigmatism correction.

Multifocal, Trifocal, and Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) lens implants that offer versatile vision for near and distance vision.

ORA technology in the operating room to confirm proper lens implant selection.

Callisto image guidance in the operating room for more precise outcomes.

Glaucoma treatment that can be delivered inside of your eye at the same time as cataract surgery.

Because we are a patient-centered practice, from the moment you walk through the door, you will be treated as a valued guest. Dr. Pathak will perform your exam, review your results with you, and address any questions during your appointment. He will also be personally involved in all of your post-operative care. Cataract Surgery is a similar procedure to Refractive Lens Exchange. Dr. Pathak has over ten years of experience with both of these surgeries. You can trust your eyes to the cataract specialists at Lucent Vision.


Lucent Vision Cataract Surgery Long Beach
Lucent Vision Cataract Surgery Long Beach California
Lucent Vision Cataract Surgery
Lucent Vision Cataract Doctor Long Beach
Lucent Vision Cataract Surgeon Long Beach
Lucent Vision Cataract Surgery California

Cataract Surgery Long Beach Files

What is a Cataract?

It is truly amazing how the eye’s natural lens evolves over time. When you’re young, your natural lens is incredibly adaptable and enables you to automatically concentrate on near and far things as well as everything in between, much like a camera’s zoom feature. The lens, however, begins to stiffen and lose flexibility as we age, and it also loses its clarity and turns yellow and clouded; this is known as a cataract. Cataracts scatter and block light. Glare and halo formation (particularly at night) are caused by light scattering, which also reduces visual acuity and color perception. Even though these signs of aging are unpleasant, we are here to help!

Cataract Surgery Long Beach - (562) 432-2748

Call Lucent Vision today for more information about Cataract Surgery and get back to seeing life in full focus! We can’t wait to deliver the benefits of clear vision to you.

Do I need Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts cause a number of serious signs and symptoms, including:

Hazy or foggy vision.

Difficulty with reading due to blurriness.

Difficulty with watching television due to blurriness.

Bothersome glare when driving in nighttime conditions.

If you suffer from any of these visual symptoms, then a comprehensive eye examination is necessary to determine if you have cataracts. Early in the course of the disease, your cataracts may not be advanced enough for surgery. Your cataract surgeon may choose to simply monitor your cataracts. Surgery may become necessary as the cataract advances, and your vision progressively worsens with time. Routine vision care can also sometimes allow for a cataract diagnosis in patients who have adapted to their blurry vision. Call Lucent Vision to schedule your cataract consultation with Dr. Pathak to find out what cataract treatment options are best for your unique visual needs.

More FAQs about Cataract Surgery

What happens during Cataract Surgery?

Before your Cataract Surgery begins, Dr. Pathak and the Lucent Vision team will make sure you are relaxed and comfortable, and your eyes will be fully numbed with specialized anesthetic eye drops. In addition, you will receive medication through an IV to reduce your anxiety. This type of sedation is sometimes referred to as “twilight sleep.” During your Cataract Surgery, your cloudy lens (cataract) will be replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL), which is a new artificial lens. An ultrasound device is used to gently remove the cataract, and your eye is then carefully fitted with the IOL. Similar to how a contact lens on the surface of the eye bends incoming light via your pupil to concentrate it precisely onto the retina, intraocular lenses with advanced technology can perform the same function. The procedure will typically take less than 20 minutes, and you will be able to go home with a clear plastic shield covering your eye.

The IOL doesn’t require any upkeep, unlike contact lenses. Implantable contact lenses never get dirty or dry out. You don’t need to worry about putting it in every morning or losing it. Additionally, you cannot become allergic to it over time. Patients report that they do not feel or notice the new lens, and others cannot see it. The new lens won’t change the way your eye looks from the outside, but it will significantly enhance your vision. As a matter of fact, we offer lens options that can be customized to your unique visual needs so that you may no longer require the use of glasses or readers after your Cataract Surgery.

Cataract Surgery Long Beach - (562) 432-2748 Guide KWs
Cataract Surgery Long Beach - (562) 432-2748 Links

Will my Cataract Surgery hurt?

Your eye surgeon will perform your procedure with the assistance of an anesthesiologist who will use an IV to provide sedation for your procedure. You will also have numbing drops administered to the surface of your eye to ensure that you are comfortable. Most patients report experiencing a mild pressure sensation during lens implantation but no pain during their surgery.

How long will it take my eye to heal?

Most patients notice improved eyesight within the first day after their surgery. Each individual is different, and healing times may vary, but in general, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks to fully recover from Cataract Surgery. Along with the healing of your eye, sometimes your brain will also require several weeks to adjust to the new technology in the artificial lens.

Will I undergo surgery in both eyes on the same day?

Most cataract surgeons perform surgery one eye at a time. The timeframe between both eye surgeries may vary, but it is usually at lest two weeks. Nonetheless, there are special circumstances where doing both eyes on the same day is the best option for the patient.


Can cataracts return after surgery?

Cataracts do not return after they are removed surgically. However, a small percentage of patients may develop blurry vision due to scar tissue that develops on the lens implant. This scar tissue can be safely and effectively removed with a quick and painless outpatient laser procedure done in the office. Once this laser procedure is done, the scar tissue does not return in the future.

Who is a Toric lens a good option for?

Many patients have an asymmetry in their cornea, known as astigmatism. This astigmatism causes blurred vision, and it is usually treated with either glasses or contact lenses.

The Toric lens implant is an advanced technology lens implant that allows Dr. Pathak to correct your astigmatism during your Cataract Surgery. Most patients who benefit from this premium lens are able to perform activities such as driving and watching television with reduced dependence on glasses.

What is a Multifocal lens?

A Multifocal lens implant is designed for patients who are interested in reducing their dependence on glasses for distance and near tasks after cataract treatment. During standard Cataract Surgery, a basic lens implant is used to allow for clear sight at only one distance. Patients who receive this basic lens implant often need a corrective lens to supplement their vision at other distances. On the other hand, with a Multifocal lens implant, patients are typically able to see in the distance and read up close without glasses most of the time.

There are other types of premium lens options that are similar to Multifocal lenses. These lens options include Extended Depth of Focus lenses and Trifocal lenses. As a regional leader in Cataract Surgery, Dr. Pathak is well versed in premium lens technology. There is an art to finding the right combination of lenses for each individual. As a patient-centered office, we will take the time to get to know you so that we can tailor your surgical plan to fit your unique visual needs.

Will Multifocal lenses eliminate my need for glasses?

There is no guarantee that you will be free of your glasses. The Multifocal lens (along with the other types of premium intraocular lenses) provide most patients with more freedom to perform their daily activities without glasses. Nonetheless, every patient has a different visual system, and results may vary.

Is there a downside to the Multifocal lens?

Some patients take up to 6 months to get used to the way the Multifocal lens changes their vision. In addition, a small minority of patients may experience symptoms such as halos around lights in dimly lit conditions.

When should I have Cataract Surgery?

You are the only one who can decide this for yourself. Most eye surgeons will recommend cataract surgery when a person feels that their quality of life has been impacted and that their ability to engage in regular activities (such as driving, reading, or sports) has been compromised. You might be able to get by temporarily with a new prescription, stronger bifocals, greater magnification, different lighting, or other visual aids when cataract symptoms first appear. Many people experience a gradual clouding that does not interrupt their normal daily activities at first.

We advise scheduling a comprehensive evaluation to go over your options if you begin to experience age-related visual impairment that starts to affect your quality of life. After cataract treatment, many cataract patients no longer need glasses, no longer have to deal with cataracts, and no longer have to miss out on the beautiful things in life.

What is the difference between traditional Cataract Surgery and Laser Cataract surgery?

One of the most common and safest surgeries done today is modern Cataract Surgery. With each new advancement, the process and technology both get better. Cataract surgeries have been around for a long time, but with all the advancements in eye technology, techniques, and practices, it can be confusing for patients to understand the differences between the procedures. Some surgery centers offer both options to their patients, and knowledge is power when it comes to deciding what is best for your vision.

The cataract-clouded lens is removed during traditional Cataract Surgery by creating a very small incision on the side of the cornea. The cataract is then broken up using ultrasound energy so that it can be gently suctioned out and removed.

Once the cataract has been removed, the normal lens will be replaced with an intraocular lens. There is no requirement for sutures because the eye tissue at the site of the incision heals by itself.

The technology utilized in traditional and laser Cataract Surgery is one of the key distinctions between the two types of cataract treatments. To make the incisions and remove the lens during traditional cataract surgery, handheld instruments like a blade and forceps are used. On the other hand, with laser Cataract Surgery, a laser can be used to create these incisions and to assist in breaking up the cataract so that it can be gently suctioned out of the eye.

So, does laser assisted Cataract Surgery provide better vision outcomes than traditional Cataract Surgery? According to a landmark study that can be found in this article in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, visual outcomes are identical between the two methods. What about safety? Again this study demonstrated no difference in complication rate or adverse postoperative events between the two methods. It is also important to note that laser usage for Cataract Surgery is not covered by any major insurance carrier. In our experience, using a laser to perform Cataract Surgery adds extra time and cost with no added benefit to the patient. It is for this reason that we do not offer laser Cataract Surgery.

We use other technologies that can indeed improve your vision outcomes such as state of the art imaging technology in the office. Our surgical team employs multiple devices to determine your eye’s exact length, corneal curvature, and the unique way that your eye treats light rays (also known as wavefront imaging). Our technology includes Zeiss’s IOLmaster 700, Ziemer’s Galilei G4, and Marco’s OPD3. Each of these instruments provides information that allows us to create a precisely customized surgical plan for your eye. We use a cataract planning software known as Veracity which can track and optimize our results. In the operating room, we use an imaging technology known as Callisto which provides real-time image guidance for proper lens centration and alignment.

I have insurance, so why can't I just go to my regular ophthalmologist to get my cataract taken care of?

Most eye doctors are able to treat cataracts, and we believe they should do so. Cataract Surgery with your ophthalmologist, who will bill insurance, is unquestionably the least expensive option. Due to the fact that Medicare and other health insurance providers will pay for both the operation and the cost of a basic monofocal lens, many patients will decide to do that.

However, you should carefully consider a refractive cataract specialist, like Dr. Pathak, whose exclusive focus is on technology, service, and outcomes if your objective is to optimize your vision and be as glasses-independent as possible. There are additional charges, even with insurance coverage, if you wish to totally restore your visual perception (without glasses or “readers”) because technologically advanced lenses are not covered by any medical insurance policies.

If you are looking for Cataract Surgery in Long Beach California, Dr. Pathak, your Long Beach cataract surgeon, is here to help. At Lucent Vision cataract center, our goal is to deliver the benefits of clear unaided vision with a 5-star experience. You don’t have to see life through a clouded lens. We are here to help restore your vision and eliminate cataracts for good! Call our Long Beach office today to book an appointment with Dr. Pathak and start your journey to visual freedom. Or make an appointment here.

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